Saturday, April 29, 2006

Prefect Telematch


We, namely me, Kok Ming, Sing Yue, Kai Lun, Akmal, Noel, MTYP, Sjane, Emm and Van went for some joint telematch by St Jo and St Thre in St Thre today.

You know what? Considering how we all thought that we were wasting our time to go, it was actually quite fun.

Well except for the first few moment when I arrived in St Thre and I saw NO LODGE PREFECTS there at all.

I thought I was in the wrong place... And yet I saw St Jo and St Thre prefects milling around the foyer. So I thought, correct le. Then just before eight, I spotted one of my friends, a St Thre prefect. Well, actually she spotted me. Hehe.

I was like forlorn and all and then suddenly I felt someone jerk me. I turn around and then FOOM...

Went something like this...


Anyway, we finally got ourselves all registered, dumped our bags into the so called Prefect Room (actually the sign outside read Sick Bay lol) and we went to watch some taekwando demo while waiting for other ppl.

While waiting, Emm and Noel kept giving me nudgies. If you don't know what a nudgie is, don't ask them. They won't answer you but they'll give you demo. And believe me, if it's Noel who's giving you a demo, your head is going to hurt. It's painful. But I gave Emm and Noel nudgies too in the end. And Van too... even if she never gave me one. Lol.

Halfway waiting, Akmal came (coz he was late) and he was being tailed by two girls. So we go kacau him and say he was being ESCORTED by two girls. :P

Oh! Oh! And we spotted a SQUIRREL scampering past the taekwando demo (which was really cool btw coz a girl was "beating" up two guys right Van?!) So we disturbed Noel coz well, he's a SQUIRREL TOO! Haha.

Anyway, the real telematch started off with some shoe factory game as icebreaker. Needless to say, that game was STOLEN from our telematch last year. Except change a bit niah la. Then we had the next icebreaker which was a way bit cooler.

You get stickers with occupations on it stuck to your forehead. So, that way, you can't see the occupation you're supposed to be right? Then, you're supposed to go around asking ppl yes or no questions to find out who you are. So...

I got Chef. A St Thre girl next to me got King. Another got Hippie. Another girl called Kimberly (who's the Head Girl of Morning Session of St Thre) got Clown. Noel got fisherman. The St Jo guy next to me got Pilot. So we were asking each other...

Noel: (turns to me and whispers) Gimme a clue!! Quick!
Me: Cannot, not supposed to -
Noel: NVM! Tell me!!
Me: (look at his forehead and burst out laughing)
Noel: WHAT?!
Me: (look again and can't help thinking about fish ONLY) Uhh... a clue?
Noel: YES!
Me: You stink.
Noel: %*(&$#)(*&!!
Me: No serious, your profession makes you stinky always!
Noel: (thinks for a while) Am I dealing with toilets.

Girl with Hippie comes up to me...
Girl: Eh, gimme clue?
Me: Uhh...
Girl: Do I serve ppl?
Me: Not that I know of...
Girl: Do I help ppl?
Me: Not that I know of...
Girl stomps off.
Not my fault bah. I don't know what Hippies do!!

Guy with Pilot comes up to me...
Guy: So... give me a clue?
Me: It's something to do with wings.
Guy: Wad? I'm a bird?!
Me: ...

Girl with King comes up to me...
Girl: What do I do?
Me: Uhh... you rule?
Girl: (adopts perasan face) I know I do...
Me: No, I mean... you rule... literally.

Umm... there was someone with Surfer coming up to both me and Noel...
Guy: So... am I a guy or a girl?
Me and Noel: (look at each other) Depending...

Me: Noel, what am I?
Noel: (takes a look at the word CHEF on my forehead and start laughing) I never thought you could do that!

Once I found out I was a chef, I went up to Kok Ming. And found out he was a chef too. Thinking he knew what he was already...
Me: (blurt) Eeee! Are you the same one as me?
Kok: Same one as you? HOW DO I KNOW?!

Umm... then we got split into groups. I ended up being the ONLY lodgian in my group. There were only two guys in my group. Some Form 4 St Jo prefect called Wan D or smth. Heh. And Form 2 St Jo prefect called Jonathan. There was this Form 4 St Thre girl who was on my same team in our Lodge Prefect Telematch last year. SO CUN RIGHT?! Her name's Mahlinda. Not sure of spelling. Another girl called Nijas. Another girl from my church also coincidentally called Victoria. And the St Thre Head Prefect Morning Session Kimberly. And my group facilitator was Rachel.

Anyway, we came up with group names. My group was Friends. Coz we had no better idea. And our cheer, though last minute was ok la. Whatever la. Lol.

First game we played was Charades. Not bad le. My group can finish quite fast. In ten minutes out of ten ah. Thanks to me ah. LOL.

Oh yeah, btw, while we were acting out rock concert, my group got me to be a rock singer. So can you imagine me, Siaw Hui who never act like a jumping monkey before, jumping up and down like a complete and utter fool while making the rock symbol with my fingers just so my blur team mates get what I'm doing?!

Oh. And while we were acting out landslides, my group got me to do some sliding. So imagine me falling over and over again onto the floor, sliding and skidding as I go. Not everyday you get to see Siaw Hui do that oh. Thank God Emm them all weren't there to see that. If not I am the laughing stock of the entire sch.

There was the water balloon game. Needless to say, we lost to Emm's group by ONE MISERABLE POINT. And... I catapulted my balloon (the very first of the game) too far until almost splash other people from the Sponge Game nearby. SORRY LA. Don't know my own strength bah.

We had the Triangle Game. See there's this Triangle set up by strings tied to three huge tall poles. Everyone gets in. Everyone has to come out but cannot crawl under. So since Vic is like the sportiest of all the girls, she climbed onto Wan D's back (who was really tall) and leaped out. Damn good ah her. Then the rest of us girls did that, followed by Jonathan. Then Wan D leapt out just like that. Considering the height of the strings, that was no mean feat.

Lastly we had the Sponge Game. Which means transferring sponges with your feet only. And you have to collect the most water with those sponges. Our sponge kept dropping over and over again. So by the time the limit was up, we only got like... 2 cm height of water. Miserable.

We broke for half an hour. Eating and all that. Then we had a game whereby we have to get out a coin frozen in a block of ice. Without cracking the ice on the cement.

So, considering our coin was near the surface of the ice, our group was entirely hyped to get it out. Coz it's easier compared to oth groups. So we used my locker key (remind me to check on its condition later ppl) to scratch the ice covering the coin. We scratched and scratched. And as usual, our hypeness built up. Just into 1 mm more to uncovering the coin, Wan D got so impatient, he took out a huge rock and crashed it into the ice.

Needless to say the ice broke.

And the coin recovered.

And we made up some lame excuse for the ice breaking coz we weren't supposed to do that.

And I think they kolien us coz we were so close to getting it out using the key and technically we didn't slam it into the cement... so we got points. HAHA.

Then as a line, our groups were forced to tie strings to link each and every foot of the team members to each other. We had to hop like mad rabbits, ran like mad cows to the other end of the field, untie the strings, retie on the other foot and run back again. When we took off the string, we all had grooves around our ankles.

Since there were water balloons left over from the first few games... and since we ran out of games to play...

Everyone started tossing water balloons around.

Emm and Noel were like mad idiots man! They took like armfuls of balloons and targeted me and Van. Esp Emm. So me and Van were like screaming and screaming (bet you can't imagine that) and running around, avoiding the crashing balloons. It was like a battlefield out there.

The funniest part of all was Noel carrying a huge bucket of water. Then he looked around, saw me and started chasing me with the bucket over his head wanting to empty it on me. Van was right behind me, you know just in case Noel wanted to splash her too. We ran and ran, me screaming and squealing till I think some of the St Jo and St Thre facilitators (embarrassing man) were laughing at me and Noel. And guess what?

My foot got caught in some darn hole on the field, I injured my ankle and I fell. WHAM into the hard ground, face first.

Physics tells you that what happened after that was I rolled over my back twice before coming to a stop while laughing and ouching. And Noel just stopped and stared.

And that's when Emm decided to avenge me, picked up Noel's abandoned bucket of water and dumped it over his head.


We have a very wet wet wet SQUIRREL.

Me and Van were like hooting with laughter. And so was everyone watching it.

My ankle still hurts now Noel! THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Sarcasm works ALL the time doesn't it? LOL.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Week

Aigh... so long since I last gave this blog a REAL update. So here goes...

Hmm. The week has been interesting. We'll first start with the Exhibition Day. That was last Saturday.

At about 10, the opening ceremony started. There was this cool red carpet being rolled out for the CM to walk into our sch with. And there were this lion dance troupe performing. And you see, this lion dance troupe quite smart boh. They sit right under the fan. Coz it was so bloody hot... while waiting for CM to come bah. Considering I had to wear blazer, I also felt very warm right? So, I follow them to stand under the fan.

Just as the CM car's pull up and the lion dance prepare to dance, Akmal come and drag me away from the life-saving fan...
Me: (wail) Oy! I want the fan! I want the -
Ak: Trust me. You don't WANT to stand there.
Me: It's so hot... I want to -
Ak: (drags me to far end of foyer where there is NO fan) Have you noticed that where you're standing there are cymbals and drums and - (nods towards instruments)
Me: So what do you -
Lion troupe starts to dance and the cymbals start their deafening clang. I wince.
Ak: (raises his eyebrows)
Me: Ok! Ok! I get what you mean!

Oh. And the prefects were supposed to hold up SILENCE signs to shut everyone up during the speeches. So they were walking around, holding the signs. Akmal was so annoyed with everyone. So he,while standing on the ground floor, held up one indignantly to show the people on the topmost floor. The people on the top most floor stared at him for a very very long time. Then they blinked and started laughing horrendously at Akmal. I stood there and laughed along with them. Coz I found it funny... at least until Akmal whacked me so hard.

The rest of my time in the Exhibition was spent not looking at scores of work done by students, but rather with Kok Ming, Ben, Akmal and Sing Yue, escorting the CM around the school. At least until he retired to the VIP room to have lunch. Sing Yue and I went to fetch OUR meagre lunch from the school canteen all the way in the OTHER block. When we reached there, we found our lunch had been delivered to the staffroom so we ran ALL the way there. Only to find that our lunches had been delivered back to the place where we came from. $^#*(^#%(&!!!!

Oh. And our meagre lunch consisted of ONE cupcake, ONE panggang and ONE chicken siew pau. So miserable right? Considering we were watching luscious food being brought in and out of the VIP room. Like prawns, pineapple fried rice, shallops... and so on. And at one point, we were SO hot and tired and thirsty that when the ICE COLD ORANG JUICE IN PITCHERS went into the VIP room we were like, leaning in our seats, praying that we would get some. Lol.

Believe me. We tried to get to the leftover food fo the VIPs. We told the teachers that we wanted the food but they didn't allow us. Then we told the waiters that we wanted to be foodtasters kononya but we were turned down. We gave up in the end.

Btw, since I didn't want the panggang...
Akmal: Gimme your panggang!
Me: (shove it at him,annoyed)
Kok: (watching) Eh, gimme half.
Ak: Don't want. Get your own.
Kok: Come on la... Gimme half la.
Ak: This is mine. You get yours.
Kok: Gimme la...
Ak: No, it's mine!
Kok: Half niah la...
Ak: ... (breaks panggang in half and shoves half to Kok)
Kok: Hehe... thanks.
Ak: (eyes his half of the panggang grudgingly and then eats)
Like kids like that ah the both of them. :P

Btw, I hate the reporters who came to Exhibition Day. So rude all of them. Hmmph. Keep on pushing us just to get their way. And keep on complaining about our sch. Say our sch PA system lousy la, our students performances lousy la all that. Sheesh. And then, just coz they want a photo of CM with a little boy, they shove me out of the way and almost into the pole of the tents ah. Hmph. If I had gotten a broken arm or smth I'd sue them. Trust me. They were lucky I only crashed into chairs. Even then it hurt.

Oh. And one time, the reporters thought that Sing Yue and I gave them wrong directions about where the CM was heading next. So they gave us this evil glares. Actually, we REALLY thought that was where the CM was going next bah. Mana tahu, he change his route. But when they give us that sour faces, I was secretly thinking: Good for you la. So rude for what.

After Exhibition Day, all the hype died down. Throughout this week, planning to go for Miri Field Trip next next week. And yay! We finally get to go! Whoot!!

Chem teacher's last day in sch was today. So our class got him a cake, brownies and ice cream. Lol. Oh and we're going to give him a card too la. :)

Oh yeah. I suddenly remembered Rebecca and the fear I have whenever she's driving a car with me in it.
Exhibit A...
Me: Becca, turn left.
Rebecca: (places hand on wheel and prepares to turn right)
Me: Turn left!
Rebecca: (car swerves right)
Rebecca: Oh oh OH! (car swerves violently to the left)

Exhibit B...
While heading to the car after THREE WHOLE HOURS OF BAND PRACTICE...
Ruth: Eh you know when I was coming up here, I saw some stupid idiot leave his car lights on.
Rebecca: Ahaha... idiot.
Samuel (her brother): Oy, you left the car lights on!
Me: (brightly) So you're the idiot, Becca.

Exhibit C...
While turning out into the main road...
Rebecca: (steps on accelerator just as car zooms past)
Me: (screams) OY!!!
Rebecca: (steps brake just in time to avoid slamming right into car)
Me: (almost slam into dashboard) DON"T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!

Ugh. Coffee I drank to keep myself awake to blog is wearing off. I need to go sleep and wake up early tomorrow for the prefect telematch. Ugh.

Hope you're happy now you class monitor of a Khang Wee!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Kim bugged me to post some pics from Jas surprise bday party at Sat's place. Over a month ago... just so she can steal it off my blog. Sheesh.

Anywho, here goes:

That's Tiff on the floor. From far back to front: Me(with arm on chair) Emm, Jas and Kim. The two guys in the bground are Khang (the one in red and listening to music) and Jeremiah.

That's Sat in front of the TV. Jas, in green staring at him. Jeremiah, in black behind her. Tiff in white. Alison in the spaghetti strap blouse. The back of my head hah. Emm in blue.

That's Jas in the middle going, I know I'm gorgeous. JK LA. Tiff is in white. And Kim is in black. The two guys outside are Jer in white and Jeremiah in black.

That's Jer's hand. Dunno why he did that. That's me in the black shirt, with bluish strikes across one side. Saran, Sat's cute little sis next to me. Jas is the one struggling with the candles for the cake. Emm is in blue. Jeremiah is in black. Kim's the one with that funky gold bangle. And Al's in the spaghetti strap Chinese bluish-maroonish blouse.

Jas (the bday girl) the one in light green. The only guy: Jeremiah. Kimmy with that funky blackish pinkish blouse. Emm in that blue shirt. Al in that really cool Chinesy blouse. Tiff is making a grand entrance with the brownies. And that's mua, in the far corner, in the black shirt with the bluish strikes. And the little hand next to me is Sat's little sis', Saran. She's an adorable kid, that one.

Well that's all folks!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Of Invisible Inks, Exhibitions and everything else in between

This post might be a tad too long for your liking. Heh.

Anywhoz, tomorrow is going to be the School Open Day. The whole class of 5C have been really busy this week, esp since Weds till today. Most of us are coming back tomorrow to help out in one or two areas during Open Day. There are going to be some of us involved in the BM, Moral, Add Maths, Physics, Chem and Art exhibition. And then got the crowd control by prefects. And the refreshments servings by Interact and Leo. And a couple of songs from Wizard of Oz.

Not looking forward to wearing my entire, makes-you-feel-extremely-flammable ;) prefect regalia tomorrow. I resent the fact that Kok Ming was the one who suggested the outfit.

Anyway, first thing's first.

Our Chem teacher's going to be leaving for UNIMAS during the month of May. Maklumlah, got better paying job bah. He's apparently going to be a lecturer in Microbiology there. Think about it. A Chem teacher and a Microbiology Lecturer. Which one better pay? LOL

The way he presented the I'm-going-to-leave message to my class was pretty cool. What he did was fill a fountain pen with phenolphtalein and wrote an invisible ink letter. FYI, Kim and Khang are in charge of phenolphtalein (invisble ink writing) in the Chem exhibition tomorrow. So he passed the invisble ink letter over to Kim.

And Kim, being the impossibly blur person she is (but sometimes she's adorable), thought the letter was just a try out message in invisible ink.

So she called me over, and we were holding up the ammonia to read the ink. Btw, when ammonia is held over the letter, the words show up in bright pink. Of course, when we found out (through the letter) that he was leaving, we were like shocked and kind of touched (coz of the letter it's not like everyday teachers who are leaving write invisble ink letters to us students right?). So we called whoever was in the Chem lab (all those preparing for Chem exhibition only) to read. Won't go into details. But all the same, it was really nice of him to write the letter to us.

Speaking of Chem, right after lunch today, Lee Lip, me, Alicia, Pivian and Ben were all in the Chem Lab. We were preparing for the Chem exhibition tomorrow: Lee Lip and me were making 1M copper (II) sulphate solution for our electroplating and chemical cell tomorrow (We took three hours to do just that!!) Alicia, Pivian and Ben were taking care of the esters and reflux apparatus thing. So anyway, at one point, Cikgu Kenny decided to leave us...

Cikgu Kenny: (about to close the door) Eh I leave you here but... don't make noise, don't steal any chemicals and don't play with anything except what you're supposed to be doing!
Us: (in unison) Okay!
The door closes.
Someone-who-must-not-be-named-by-me-if-not-I-get-killed leapt up towards where the salt crystals are and starts grabbing a few copper (II) crystals and sodium thiosulphate crystals to bring home with him. Then, at one point, we started dunking sodium thiosulphate into water (which makes everything go ice cold) and detergent and there was this green stuff coming out. And we made a hell lot of noise.
Cikgu Kenny: (edges into Chem lab half an hour later) So?
He pauses just as we all stop shouting at the top of our lungs. He looks at Lee Lip who's vigorously stirring some greenish weirdish looking solution.
Me: Well, at least we didn't burn down the lab right?
Cikgu Kenny: (sarcastically) Good on you.

While showing us how an iodine stain on filter paper can be removed completely by sodium hydroxide solution...
Cikgu: (splashes sodium hydroxide onto stained filter paper) Tadah! Magic right?
Lee Lip: (missed the entire show) What? What?
Cikgu: (makes another stain and grabs a colourless solution off the table *Note: There are heaps of diff colourless solution on the table*) *sploosh* TADAH!
The stain does not disappear. It just smudges.
We stare.
Cikgu: (looks at the solution) Oh, I use wrong solution. (grabs another solution) *sploosh* Nah!
The stain starts to fade.
Cikgu: Hah, you see.
The faded stain remains and does not disappear completely.
We just stare again.
Cikgu: (looks at the bottle) Ethanol? (mutters to himself) Did I just use ethanol?
Me: Dunno.
Cikgu: (sniffs at filter paper) I think I did. (peers for the sodium hydroxide label and grabs the RIGHT bottle this time) *sploosh* Hah!
The stain FINALLY disappears.
We just continue staring.

Oh. And just now in the exhibition lab, while we were all setting up the things...
Emm: (spots the wire thing game, you know, the one the one where you have to trace the wire and not whack it?) I wanna play!
The whole time she was tracing the thing, me, Joyce, Cas, Janet and Steven kept coming up with ways to distract her.
The moment she touched, the buzzer sounded.
All of us: (triumphantly) EEEKKKK!!! YOU"RE OUT!
Emma: (annoyed) SHUT UP!!!

Me: Cikgu, do we get any prize if we get through this successfully?
Cikgu: (guffaws) Yes, you get an exercise.
Me: ...
After a while...
Me: Cikgu we're making gold coins in the Chem exhibition, so mebbe you can take it and give as prize?
Cikgu: (apparently only heard the Chem part) Yes, we can give them vinegar from Chem to drink.
Forget it, I give up.

In the Bio part of the lab...
Joyce: Let's take this body apart and assemble it again.
After a long time...
Cas: Aiyah, so difficult wan! I bet tomorrow everyone can't do wan.
Me: (annoyed and start shaking the body a little) Oy, go in you stupid organ -
The stupid head falls off and whacks me.
I didn't know the head was detacheable wad!

After replacing the head...
Alicia, me and Joyce: (squishing organs into the body) OY, FIT IN FIT IN FIT -
The body shakes violently.
The head falls again and since I'm the one right in the middle, directly beneath it...
Me: (wails painfully as it hits my arms AGAIN) WOI!!!
Head clanks onto the table and makes a huge din.
Cikgu Anita and Cikgu Susanna: (from nearby and jumping) SIAW HUI!!!!!!!!! Haiyor!!
Me: (wailing pathetically) Whatttttttttt

While doing the Moral poster for the exhibition...
Kim: (while colouring a mother holding a baby) Cher, colour the lips of this mother and make her look HAWT!
Jas, me, Cher: (blinks repeatedly)

When colouring the Parliament building...
Cher: (wails) OMG! I make the building look like... it's so... UGLY!!
Akmal: (takes a look at it) Oh my God Cher, that is so ugly!
Cher: (wails even louder) Oh my God! I destroyed it!
Akmal: (wails even louder than her) CHERLING YOU KILLED DEMOCRACY!
Me: ...

When Satnam was down on the floor, colouring...
Sat: Oy, I feel someone poking a manila card up my arse!
We turn around and see Akmal. Akmal looks up from his manila card and notices our stares.
Akmal: WHAT??!!
A bit later...
Sat: Eh, I feel like farting. Whoever's sitting behind me will get full blast of it.
Kim and I turn around and see Akmal still sitting directly behind him.
We burst out laughing.
Akmal: (indignant) WHAT??!!!

Okay, that's all I can remember. I have a date now....


*hoots with laughter*

Monday, April 17, 2006

All For Love

For once: one sentence is enough: This song's really great. Especially the piano parts. :)

All For Love - Hillsongs

All for love a Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For love was crucified

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart?
But still you forgive if only I ask
And how many times have You heard my pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning my forever
Everything I need is You -

Let me sing all for love
I will join the angels' song
Ever holy is the Lord
King of Glory, King of all

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart?
But still you forgive if only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray?
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning my forever
Everything I need is You -


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Some ... stuff

Ah, it's good to be back.

I just realized that this blog's hit counter keeps going up even though no update lol. Al and emm, we must feel so loved don't we? haha. jk la.

Umm... actually I don't really know what to blog about. Hence the blog title. :P

Anywhoz, here goes some... stuff.

Oh yeah, first of all, this is a joke Kok Ming ask me to put in my blog (don't ask me why):

Kok Ming: (to Aidan) How do you spell genius?
Aidan: A-I-D-A-N

Happy now Kok Ming? Geez. Haha.

Oh yeah. And this is a joke Khang told me.

Mr Mong: (to Rusydie) Rusydie, you must eat bacon and eggs to be strong.
Someone: But Cikgu, he's a Muslim! He can't eat pork!
Mr Mong: Oh. Then eat bacon and ham then.


Btw, one word of advice. Take it from me. Do NOT ever eat at a coffee shop ALONE. Top three reasons why:
1) You sit there like a complete and utter idiot. Because everyone else around you are in pairs, trios, and groups. And everyone just stares at you.
2) Because if you're a teen, you go completely unnoticed. The people who serve drinks will not come to you and take your order until you are halfway through a plate of chicken rice.
3) When there is no individual or kind of small table for you, you have to take a huge table meant for a huge group of people. And because you have no company, you end up sitting in this really huge table which looks so deserted.

And no Noel I did not take your advice of trying to get myself more space. :P

Haha. Bryant burst into tears today. Because his mum took away the church bulletin paper which he wanted to fold it into an airplane. LOL

Btw, if you do go to a coffee shop to eat with a whole gang of ppl, make sure they're not whack. *Hem hem*

Last week, we - namely me, Rach, Silas, Jon, Agan, Dan and Samuel went down to eat after practice. I think we were the LARGEST and NOISIEST table in the entire shop.

First thing first:
Me: (notices Sam staring at something past my shoulder) Sam, what are you doing?
Sam: *continues staring*
Me: Yoohoo?
Agan: (naughtily) You staring at who?
Sam: *continues to stare dreamily*
All swivel on chairs to see what he's looking at.
It's a Rojak store signboard.

Me: *spots Kolo Mee stall helper coming over with one bowl of Kolo Mee* Oy, I thought I ordered like five bowls?
Rach: *shrugs* So... if that be the case, who do you think she's going to give it to first?
Stall helper walks over, scans the table and passes it to Jon.
Jon: Oh ok. Thanks.
Silas: *slaps Jon on the back* Jon, Jon, she likes you le. First one she give to boh!
Agan: Yeah and that's why Silas, when she comes with the next bowl of Kolo Mee you must look as handsome as him.
Silas: ...

Silas spots the stall helper with another bowl of Kolo Mee.
Silas: Oy, over here! *waves frantically at the girl*
Girl: *smiles* Not for you. Wait ah.
Another girl however comes lunging for our table with an entire tray filled with chicken rice.
Me and Rach: *shrink back before it upsets all over us*
Girl: *beams at Silas* Is this all yours?
Silas: *stares for a very long time* Uhh no?


Oh crude. Next week got exhibition. And I'm supposed to go back with the entire prefect's regalia, thanks to someone *hack* Kok Ming *hack*, and do crowd control. *snorts* Crowd control my foot ah. We're supposed to stand there, look pretty and point directions. Even a signboard can do that! Pff.

Oh and then there's this uhh bowling competition between the youth cell groups coming up. And actually me and Samantha couldn't care less whether my group wins or not. I seriously think the only group leaders which care about their groups winning are Agan and Mike. Maklumlah. They're guys.

But apparently, I have an overenthusiastic cell member who is going to drill all of us into bowling. He's been badgering me and Sam to allow him to get all of us to practice. So in the end we gave in. So we're apparently going to go train for bowling next month or smth. Ugh. I do not need to show my horrible skills at bowling in front of everyone in my group. Note to self: I do not roll the ball. Most times, I just throw the ball into the lane and pray that I hit at least one pin. :P

Oh well. Such is life. ;)

P.S. Shopping for clothes for three hours is pure and utter torture. I don't see how girls can stand it! Esp you Alison!

For a girl who didn't know what to blog, I sure outdid myself, don't you think?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Kingdom of Once-Upon-A-Time

All right. Here's the real and complete intro to the story.

Since the lazy bum of an Emm (who btw kept squealing that she wanted to post the preview and promised me that she'll actually type further from where she actually left off) didn't bother to introduce the characters I thought I would. So here goes.

The Kingdom of Once-Upon-A-Time
The Royal Family of Once-Upon-A-Time:

Jeremy as the King of Once-Upon-A-Time
Jasmine as the Queen of Once-Upon-A-Time
Tania as the Princess of Once-Upon-A-Time

The Royales of Once-Upon-A-Time (in order of appearance):

Lee Lip as the Royal One Man Orchestra (Royal OMO for short)
Noel as the Royal Squirrel Musketeer
Siaw Hui as the Royal Physician a.k.a The Royal Squeak
Akmal as the Royal Pain In The Arse (Royal PITA for short)
Emmeline as the Royal Basketball Coach (Royal RBC for short) a.k.a The Royal Mini
Alison as the Royal Fashion Diva
Cherling as the Royal Cat
Vanessa as the Royal Artist

Satnam as the Crown Prince of the Distant Shores

The Three Witches:

Siaw Hui as Sapphire
Emmeline as Emerald
Alison as Amethyst

And now on with the first chapter of the story:

The Kingdom of Once-Upon-A-Time
The Royal Affair
Prologue: Through the Leaking Cauldron
Once upon a time in the kingdom far, far, far, far, - well, you get the point- three witches stood over a leaking cauldron.
"Put the baby's foot in NOW! It goes in first!" Emerald did a little jig around the cauldron, arms flailing.
"No, it doesn't! It's newt's eye! It's in the book," said Sapphire, glaring at her viciously.
"Prove it! Where's the book?"
"With Amethyst!"
"Where's Amethyst?"
"God knows..."
With a small poof, Amethyst appeared, wearing pink robes-of the latest fashion- because let's face it, what would you expect from someone who spends hours in Jupiter's red spot-the focus of the fashion world in the universe.
"Here!" Amethyst piped brightly, waing a hand and causing a mountain of shopping bags to appear out of nowhere, burying Sapphire and Emerald.
"Mmm-out tine!" Emerald croaked out under the mountain of bags.
"Did you bring it?" Sapphire asked eagerly, rubbing her hands together, gleam in her eyes.
"Err...hold on, it's here!" Amethyst replied perkily, drawing out an old tome from one of her bags and handing it to Sapphire.
"This is a fashion magazine."
"Oh." Amethyst looked blank. She bent over and started flinging contents from her various bags around. "Gimme a minute, it's here somewhere."
"Oy!" yelled Emerald as a pair of Jimmy Choos hit her in the face. Sapphire joined in when the real old tome landed on her head.

"You see? Told you it was here somewhere!" Amethyst echoed, ignoring the look of fury Sapphire was sending.

"OW!" emphasized Sapphire, rubbing the gromwing red bump on her head viciously even though the pain she felt did not merit such emphasis.

Still glaring, Sapphire flipped open the tome, scanned a page with a proffesional eye and declared, "Hah! I was right! It is newt's eye! I remember it from my student days."

"Nerd" mumbled Emerald, disgruntled. "That was many centuries ago? Haha...ah...garr!!"

Sapphire glared at Emerald.

"Fine, fine. What's with the look? I was just joking. Just hurry up will you. We've been here for ages! Except for a certain someone!"

Amethyst looked away sheepishly.

"Aaah...give me that!" Emerald snatched the book away from Sapphire's hands.


"Yeah, whatever. Let's see, you drop the newt's eye, the stir 50 times clockwise and 4 time anti-clockwise.....What are you doing Amethyst??"

Emerald narrowed her sharp -albeit pretty wrinkly- eyes at Amethyst who was pulling at her robes.

" WHY do you insist on wearing this black drab? It's UNFASHIONABLE ! There are so many thing here that would look so much better than this bag."

Amethyst started fumbling around her bags again.

"I bought you a present!" she yanked out something from a carrier bag. "Look! You'd look great in green."

Emerald stared at the diaphanous robe in her hands, the other one still stirring the cauldron. "I'm a witch."

"So am I, but does that mean I dress like I'm attending a funeral all the time? And you! " she pointed at Sapphire. "You're worse! You're wearing brown Doc Martens with your black robes!"

"What?" wailed Sapphire.

"I bought you cobalt ones! And if you grew your hair a bit..."


"Em? Is the cauldron supposed to look like sludge?"

Emerald who had been absent-mindedly stirring the cauldron perked up.

"What? Is the cauldron supposed to look like fudge?" she said excitedly, eyes bright.

" SLUDGE! IS IT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE SLUDGE YOU COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DEAF BAT! " yelled an irritated Sapphire, ignoring Amethyst who was draping cobalt robes over her shoulders, musing.

"'s shiny! Amethyst dropped the robes abd peered into the molten silver bubbling in the cauldron.

"Share!" Emerald whined, pushing Amethyst.

"Gosh! We're witches for mischief's sake! Come on...move...both of you!" argued Sapphire.

So there it was, three witches huddled over a sludgy cauldron cackling madly...
There was a whirl of colour and images blurred before finally settling. The vision of a kingdom came into view - Once-Upon-A-Time. With a name like that, one would think that there would be mist and sparks of magic swirling around the castle, surrounded by a mystical forest; that there'd be an ethereal glow with fairies and pixies dancing around.
It was not.
Rather, it looked like something 3 teenage girls who were not quite sane of mind had conjured up. There was a castle, and a forest. But neither looked very mystical. Instead, it looked like the three of them has very different ideas of what it should look like and had been unable to compromise. So to put it mildly, it was Frankenstein's patched version of a kingdom. There was no mist, though there was smoke from time to time when the Royal Pain In The Arse lived up to his name. As for the magic, it was too busy trying to hold the bloody place together than to swirl around looking pretty.
The image of the castle loomed closer - as did the three withces as they leaned in for a better view.
The image zeroed in oon the castle - which was now curiously emitting purple and pink puffs of smoke. Annoying organ music came spilling out of the dreary castle windows and a faint shout of, "Shut up, you Royal One Man Orchestra!" was heard.
Then the doors of the castle burst open, revealing a furry squirrel, brandishing a sword.
"HAHA! EN GUARDE!" he declared.
"Pesky little squirrel. You should shut up! Disturbing my Unfinished Symphony!" the Royal OMO shouted from his balcony before slamming the window shut.
"Aha! I see a mouse! Come here little mousey, here mousey, cute little mouse - "
"Who you calling mouse?" shouted the Royal Physician, "Get out of my way! I need to extract these mushrooms!" The Royal Squeak pointed at her basket filled to the brim with colourful mushrooms, big and small.
"NEVER!" roared the Royal Squirrel. "I shall defend my kingdom against all threats and dangers! And you, my rodential friend, are a liability!" He paused, thinking about it. "Actually, no, you're just annoying."
"Look who's talking!" squeaked the mouse. "If you really were purging the kingdom of all annoyances, you'd commit suicide!"
"And if you were an asset to the kingdom you would stop using all of us Royales as medical experiments!"
The Royal Squeak gasped.
"YOU - " she squeaked in a falsetto voice and inching closer to the Royal Musketeer with each word she spoke, "DIDN'T - JUST - INSULT - MY - MEDICAL - INTELLIGENCE!"
In a lightning move, she drew her humongous sewing needle and waved it menacingly.
"Oh God, they're at it again," came a voice.
"Dear, they're unique like that," the Queen laughed sweetly. Boy, was she beautiful the Queen of Once-Upon-A-Time. She has a face carved by angels.
The King rolled his eyes and bellowed, "I am your King and I command silence!"He paused, realizing how idiotically impossible this was. "Or at least try not to kill each other."
The Squirrel Musketeer and the Royal Squeak looked at him blankly, stuck out their tongues in unison and continued their scuffle.
"The amount of respect I get around here is legendary," sighed the King as stray mushrooms began to pelt his head as the Royal Squeak started her attack on the Squirrel Musketeer.
"Well, look on the bright side, dear," said the Queen brightly, adjusting the crown on the King's head, "I still respect you and besides, they're not as annoying as the Royal PITA."
A loud crash up ahead resounded throughout the courtyard and a figure barred the King's way.
"Speak of the devil - " muttered the King.
"Buahaha! I am the Royal PITA!" bellowed the Royal Pain In The Arse, "I'm going to - "
The Royal PITA started to collect all the fallen mushrooms and pelted everyone with them.
"Muahahaha! Beware the Royal PITA's WRA - hey! Stop that!"
The Royal Basketball Coach tugged on his ear.
"But... but..." whined the Royal PITA, eyes welling with tears.
It can only be assumed that the Royal PITA tried to obey the fanatical basketball coach demands, upon fear of death by basketballs. However, if we tried to describe how he did so, we would all be old and grey before he was done. Hence, we shall move on, away from the Royal Courtyard and into the castle itself.
Somewhere in the darkest crevices of the castle, where not even the hardiest beam of light dared to pierce... something moved.
There was a faint rustle as dust rose and someone coughed. A groan sounded. It was the sound of annoyance, frustration intermingled with relief. It was the sound of destiny lost and found.
"Thank you, dear Lord," came a whisper.
With a sudden burst, a figure whirled out of the closet, clutching a multicoloured Pucci scarf in her hand.
"I found it!" screamed the Royal Fashion Diva, waving it as she would a flag.
"Meow?" came a puzzled voice.
The Royal Fashion Diva looked down at her dusty stilettos, her sharp eyes zeroing in on a cream-coloured Siamese cat.
"Well hello there," greeted the Fashion Diva cheerfully.
The Royal Cat blinked.
"Oooohhh - shiny!"
She lunged excitedly for the sparkling medallion around the cat's throat.
"Now if you would only let me groom you and - "
"NGE - OW!"
The Royal Cat slipped out of her grasp and darted away and down the dark corridor.
"Come back!" wailed the Fashion Diva pathetically, racing after the terrified cat, "Come - OOF!"
The babbling Fashion Diva slammed right into a girl, dressed in paint-splattered overalls.
"Wha - ?" said the girl.
"Your overalls are SO last season," said the one-track minded Royal Fashion Diva.
"Eh?" she said blankly, glancing down at herself, "Oh. I've been painting."
"Painting isn't an excuse for poor fashion sense."
"I'm the Royal Artist. Why do I need fashion sense?"
"Because it is the utter basis of the universe itself!" she yelled. Seeing the disbelieving look on the Royal Artist's face she said, "Fashion is beauty, beauty is nature, nature is life, life is being, being is the universe!"
"That - " she paused, "That's supposed to make sense but it doesn't. I mean, fashion isn't important. No one cares what you wear."
There was a sound, vaguely reminiscent of a sharp intake of breath before choking on their own spit.
That day, the walls of Once-Upon-A-Time castle rang with the indignant cries of the Royal Fashion Diva while the Royal Artist tried her best to escape.
Needless to say, she failed. Not many can escape the clutches of the fashion obsessed.
"Someday my prince will come," sang the Princess of Once-Upon-A-Time as she polished her numerous basketball trophies. She twirled around the glittering medals and cups, fantasizing of a tall, dark and handsome prince on a noble white steed which would sweep her off her Nike sneakers.
"Dum di da - " she trilled. "Oh shit, it's four already. Emm's gonna kill me!" she gasped, tripping over an indignant Royal Cat in her haste to get to the basketball court. "If she says anything, I'll smash her nose in with my basketball," she sniggered evilly as she skidded into the court.
"I'm here!" she shouted with enthusiasm.
"You're late," remarked the Royal RBC with a disapproving look.
"So? I'm never late. Mum always says that a princess is never late. Everyone else is simply early."
"None of your cheek," bellowed the Royal Mini, "Go practice your dribbling and then take three-pointer shots. NOW!"
"All right, all right, keep your hair on," grumbled the Princess, though there was a gleam of respect in her eye.
The thump of the basketball on the hard concrete floor echoed throughout the castle, combining with the easy laughter of the King and Queen, the groans of the Royal Pain In The Arse, the shrill music of the Royal One Man Orchestra, the screams of fury from the Royal Squeak and the Royal Squirrel Musketeer, the shrieks of the Royal Artist and the Royal Fashion Diva and the snores of the Royal Cat sleeping peacefully by the fire - to form the unique melody of the Kingdom of Once-Upon-A-Time.
End of Chapter
Okay. First of all, any typos, my bad.
Second of all, credits go to: Al, Emm and me who wrote this entire thing. And oh, Noel too who helped write the last part about the princess. I tweaked a little Noel hope you don't mind.
Comment guys!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Chances are meant to be taken.

But if a chance is currently staring at you in the face, would you take it?

Especially right after the hell of a time you've been put through last year.

Would you dare take a chance that would put you in that same helpless position last year?

Nope, I don't think so.

And that is why, dear friends of mine, Van, Noel, Jas and Alison, I could never take your word for it and lunge for this chance.

I'm only human.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


After a really bad Friday - and basically a really bad week - I really needed a good weekend to reboost my morale.

So you're all probably thinking, "Siaw said she wanted a good weekend. So 'now she's going to start ranting about how bad a weekend she had."

Haha. Nope. Wrong.

I did have a great weekend. Well except maybe a few things or two that went wrong, which I overlook. Al, I think some of your forgetfulness is starting to rub off on me. Lol. Meant that in a good way, dear, don't choke me to death. *shivers*

Aih, kids will be kids. Somehow, in ways unimaginable, that little Bryant has really made my weekend today. Or maybe coz he's just plain cute and adorable and well, naughty? Hehe.

Well anyway, the kids - of all sizes and ages :P - in church really love running around on stage where all the musical instruments are. And yeah, you guessed it, they love tugging on instruments, mikes, their wires, the amps, the loudspeakers and all that. They love pounding on the piano, plucking the guitar, tapping the mikes (until one of them even fell down with a HUGE THUD once :) and whacking the amps.

So well, after the mike falling down incident, we - yes that means me and the other musicians - scared them off the stage coz we got an awful blast from the adults. Why? Well apparently it was our responsibility to always shut off the mikes and the instruments and the amps right after use which, well, frankly, we don't always do.

Anyway, for a pretty long time, the kids haven't been up and running on the stage already. So today, when me and the the other musicians (Jon, Agan and Silas) were packing up wires and the like on stage we were happily doing our jobs thinking that there ain't no kids that can disrupt us.

Until Bryant came running up on stage.

I'm telling you - all of us - dropped almost everything with a clatter, watching the little guy warily.

First he ran up to me. I was adjusting the main mike and its stand. The moment he ran up to me with this really wide - and kind of evil - grin, I clutched the mike and its stand like it was my lifeline.

"HAR - LO!" he screeched at me and his grin grew even wider.

The clutch on the mike grew greater.

"Hey," I offered, warily as the three boys stare over at the pair of us.

For a moment, he looked like he's going to grab the stand away from me. And then he turned his evil grin on Agan, Jon and Silas who are sitting very nearby.

He toddled over to them with this still really huge grin on his face.

Agan, Silas and Jon clutched their guitars and bass respectively possessively.

"HAR LO!" Bryant screeched again.

"Hey there, little guy," Agan said, trying to relocate his guitar in his lap as Jon places his bass on the stand, but still gripping it very tightly. Silas tried to put his guitar into its case quietly.

Bryant grinned at him and made a move towards them.


And that's when I ran over and caught the little guy on his shoulders.

"Bryant - "I began, "The wires aren't meant for tugging and - "

"BRYANT! GET OFF THE STAGE!" his older brother finally yelled.

Bryant grinned for one last time and then he made for my piano.

"Hey, hey, HEY NO!" I yelled.

Bryant turns around, shoots me an evil smile and then he just whacks my piano and takes off down the stage.

For a long moment, Agan, Silas, Jon and me just watch the little terror run off towards the back of the church.

We collapse with relief.

Never could imagine the day we would be terrorized by someone whose height reaches my hips only. :D

Oh. And then once, Ruth told me she disturbed Bryant:
Bryant: I want to play with that.
Ruth: (trying to annoy him) Why?
Bryant: Coz I like it.
Ruth: Why?
Bryant: It looks fun.
Ruth: Why?
Bryant: Because it's cool.
Ruth: Why?
Bryant: (very angry) If you ask me why one more time I'm going to ask your mommy to spank you!

Oh well. That's about it I guess. Till next time, ttfn!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Me, Al and Emm decided to breath some life into this blog, starting off with this new title for the blog. Sounds cool huh? It's the brain child of me and Emm and mostly Al, esp when she came up with the idea of, "Let's pretend we're three witches."

Oh. And the quote beneath it is all Al's concoction of course. With the exception of one line by me. Haha.

Hmm, pretty soon we'll be trying to change this blogskin to smth really cool. But, well, I can only tweak stuff I "steal" off oth ppl's blogskins to a certain extent only. So... if anyone can help with the html code and all that *cough* Anna and Van *cough* please do!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006



You know what?

The afternoon after my Add Maths exam, I had a nightmare about Add Maths. Somehow, the nightmare didn't contain the Add Maths questions in the exams, but just Add Maths in general. And when some people said that my fears was unfounded, I was secretly worrying inside. And hah, my Add Maths paper comes back and I only get 62.5 out of 80. Which is like 78. Thank God my 20% assessment pulled me up to 80. :P

And the afternoon after my Physics exam, I had a nightmare about waves and oth Physic crap. And the afternoon after my Chem exam, I had a splitting headache about Chem and had a nightmare about chemistry calculations.

Considering what happened to Add Maths, I'm really worried.

And considering that I've been having so many of these unfounded nightmares, I was pretty much surprised when I had this little - dare I call it a dream - last night. It was really weird coz this dream takes place in the future? And no I'm not a psychic thank you very much. It's just that, yeah, this dream takes place in the future. To be exact, after we leave school and are pursuing our own courses in university.

Hmm, I'm kind of confused about this dream somehow. It was really weird. And let me just say, the dream involves a few of my close friends. If I recall properly, they were Van, Tan, Sat, Noel, Jas, Emm and Alison. And Kimmy too I think. Couldn't really see their faces except for Tan and Sat. The rest were kinda blurred but can detect from their voice and attitude a bit la. Oh and there was someone else around too. :D And no, it's not what you're thinking. Far from it. That is if I'm thinking on the same wavelength as you.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that though the dream was weird, and shouldn't be making me feel happy, I woke up, grinning all over my face. Don't ask me why. But I just had this goofy grin on my face. I know coz I could feel it on my face - duh.

I think my medula oblongata has gone hay-wired already, giving me such abnormal dreams that either scare the hell out of me. And dreams that make me happy when all that happened in it was just plain weird. And was not supposed to make me happy mind you!

Crazy medula oblongata.

Btw, I'm just blogging this coz I'm really bored. Lol.

The heart does things for reasons that Reason itself could not understand - Princess Diaries 2

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


After many sleepless nights -

After tireless moments of biting fingernails -

After days of bubbling anticipation -

After weeks of preparation -

After many hours of heart aches and head aches -

It finally has come.


And what ensues will be hours and hours and days and days of pure mirth and fun. NO MORE STUDYING!! WOO HOO!!

Although there is the fact that the euphoria would probably die very soon (as soon as tomorrow I'm afraid) once we all get back our hideously hard exam papers. After all, the standing for Bio right now is like what? 4A1s only in our entire form? Hah.

Actually, I don't think I'm feeling the euphoria that I ought to be feeling right now. I'm supposed to feel wings sprouting just about now but I don't. :) Coz well, even though at the moment in time I was doing my Chem exam, I was thinking, "Hmm, this is pretty ok." But after walking out the of the exam hall, Sing Yue and Aidan were like saying that there were lotsa Bs in the obj. And I don't remember having lots of them! I remember having lost of As! I think... Doomed, I'm so doomed.

Anyway, coming back to the point of today's blog discussion (hah, I sound so cool :P)

Ambitions. Hah. At this point in life (or rather threshold from high school to college and onwards to uni) I'm sure all have been given lectures on what careers we should choose. Many of us will start thinking of what we want to be. Hey, it's normal. After all, it's the next part of life after finishing high school. :P

I know a lot of my friends (like Noel and Van and Al) have been giving some thought to what they want to pursue in the future. And yeah, they have been busy battling it out with their parents sort of. But I'm sure whatever any of you guys, and all other people out there reading this, choose, your parents will come to understand in time. After all, they love you and just want you to be happy, right? Duh. Why am I even asking the question? :P

While others are cracking their heads open about what they want to be (guys, it's just an expression all right?) I believe I know what I want to be. And everyone just about knows my ambition, seeing the fact that everytime the Moral teacher asks us EACH AND EVERY YEAR about what our ambition is, my classmates will yell out, SIAW HUI WANNA BE A DOCTOR! Haha.

Ever since I was a kid in Primary One, I always wanted to be a doctor. I don't know why but I just did. I remember walking into my mum's clinic one day (to get a shot mind you) and watching my mum consult her patients. And when I was sitting there watching my mum at work, I dunno why but I felt like I wanted to be in her place, telling people what they should do so they can be well again. And the fact that my mum seemed so in control of the situations (eventhough she was faced by some hysterical people who were wailing even though they had only common flu :P) made an impression that would last till today. And the fact that I love interacting with people (in the common tongue that would be called a kepo :P) and helping people (to the best I can though that doesn't suffice most times again) just seems to fit the bill of being a doctor.

But well, I've never always wanted to be a doctor. Haha. When I was young I had wild and crazy dreams like you guys did to. Noel wanted to be a fireman (just because he wanted to spray water on someone's house or smth). Kim wanted to be a teacher (she even pretended to teach Khang and me when we were still kids!). Someone wanted to be a princess (can't remember who so don't ask!) Alison wanted to be a dictator (I think that comes with the territory lol). And my bro himself wanted to be a garbage collector (coz at that time his maths was kinda bad - seeing that he doesn't want to study - and people kept saying that he'll end up as one) But well, look where my bro is now! Studying to be an engineer and commerce guy thingy. :P

When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher at one time. And yes, if you must know, I used to dump my teddy bears and whatever soft toys I had into one corner and drag out my portable white board. And then I'll get a board marker and write stuff all over the board and teach them. :) At one time I wanted to be a baker too - God knows why - and I took out my play dough and made shapes out of them, pretending that they were cookies. And not only that, I turned my room upside down in hopes of thinking that it'll look like a bakery.

Ah the crazy things I did when I was a kid.

Oh and there was the ambition of wanting to be an archeologist too! I love Egyptology ever since I was a tyke (still do actually :P) And well, I always imagined myself digging up some forsaken sight near pyramids in the hot desert (I still do actually :P) Yeah, come to think of it, I still hope that I'll make it in archeology one day, dunno why, but yeah. But technically, I think the dream will stay out of reach. :D

Noel must be laughing his head off just about now. Whatever!

Yeah, but lately, as we draw nearer to university, I've been thinking about whether being a doctor is what I really want to be. I mean the ambition has been drilled into me ever since I was a kid, ever since my first visit to the clinic. And everytime ppl go like, So you want to be a doctor? and my automatic response of Yes.

Should I really be a doctor?

I mean, yeah, I have interest in Bio. Okay, fine, I'll get the load of my chest and say I love Bio. Not in the nerdy kind of way but it's just that I feel like I can relate to Bio coz I mean, I'm part of Bio aren't I? I'm a human! And we study humans! So I'm a living Biology work of art (or whatever) And that's probably why Bio is the only Science sub that I can stay awake in class. And make my focus stay for long periods of time. And maybe that's why I take care when I'm studying Bio. But then again, maybe the teachers of Physics and Chem are just plain boring. Haha.

And then there is the pressure from the teachers that I know. Eg.

Teacher: So, your brother is going to be an engineer?
Me: Yeah he is.
Teacher: Just like your dad?
Me: Yeah, he's following his footsteps.
Teacher: So that means you'll be a doctor like your mum too?
Me: (smile) I guess.
Teacher: There's no guessing! You will take after your mum and must be a doctor!


Teacher: So you want to be a doctor?
Me: (smiles) I guess.
Teacher: Good. So next time when I'm ill I can get free medicine from you.

I mean, they all mean it in a good way, but I don't know... it just seems so forced?


And then there have been discouragements from my friends who are either currently working as doctors or studying to be one.

One of them, Julian - or should I say - DR Julian is currently working as a houseman. And well, when he asked me what I wanted to be and to which I replied I wanted to be a doctor, he said, "NO! Don't become a doctor!" I went, "And this coming from you?" *insert raised eyebrows* And then he'll rant on about how much torture it is to be a houseman, about how you have to drag yourself out of bed when there's an emergency and you're on call, about how many hours you have to work in the hospital. The word torture has been emphasized so often by him that now that everytime I see him and ask, "So how's work?" He'll go, "Fine. Six more months to go. Six more months. " To which I'd say, "Oh ok. Enjoy your torture. Tata!" and smile a huge grin.

Then there's my friend Joven, who's currently studying medicine. Everytime he goes, "So how were exams?" I'll go, "Bad." And he'll go, "Don't you dare compare your exams to mine!!" And he keeps on and on telling me, "Don't be a doctor." Me: "Why?" "Coz no one will ever date you." I'll go in a very sarcastic way, "Really?"And he'll go, "Definitely. I mean no guy will fall for a girl who takes medicine." And when I shoot him this really evil glare, he'll continue hastily, "And so will no girl fall for a guy who takes medicine." And then I'll go, "Ah, then how did my mum ever get married then?" LOL

My mum wants me to take over her clinic one day. I know it. I mean, she's been saying that ever since my bro started uni. When my bro switched from med to engineering, she was like telling my bro, "Well I'm quite disappointed but never mind, we still have Siaw Hui to rely on." My parents are great in the sense that they allow me to pursue whatever path I might choose. But, when I mentioned to my mum once that I might not be a doctor, she was like, "Oh, nevermind, your cousing who wants to be a doctor can have the clinic then." But I can hear the disappointment reflected in her voice even if it's not painfully obvious.

On the other hand, I can't imagine myself doing anything else in the Science field. I mean, I will definitely not - many years down the road - be caught sitting in front of plans and calculating bending force and momentum and all that. I will not be caught dead calculating the force a road can take and how much water a drain can hold or stuff like that. I have absolutely NO interest in Arts though somehow, my second choice of career has been Accounting. And well, I've given thought to Law ever since my uncle said that I should consider it. But I go, Neh, too much research and I'm not that cunning and eloquent in speech.

And then, there has been unforeseen circumstances that have happened over the past months. The death of two dads. Both dads are my friends' dads. And I still remember the feeling of helplessness whenever I see my friends all teary eyed. I just remember the feeling of not knowing what to say and not knowing what to do, just standing there like you're the new pillar of the house or smth. And somehow, there has been smth nagging at my mind ever since then telling me that, Hey look here, if you're a doctor, you might be able to save your friend's relatives next time. You will be able to save lives. You will be able to reduce suffering and pain for them. You need not feel helpless again. You might be able to spare them hurt.

The decision of the a lifetime is drawing nearer. And just at the time it really counts, just at the critical time, I'm beginning to rethink my ambition, beginning to think maybe my being a doctor is not the best thing after all.

On a lighter note, here's a joke on ambition:
Khang: What's your ambition?
Me: Err, to be a doctor I guess.
Khang: Is it?
Me: I guess.
Khang: Eh you know, I bet I'm the only person who has already achieved my ambition at such a young age.
Me: Is it? What's your ambition?
Khang: (beams proudly) To be a class monitor.
Me: ...

Hmm, to be or not to be?

That is the question. ;)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Oh no... please tell me this isn't real... please tell me this isn't happening...

Not after all the shitty happenings of the week... not after all that I've been through in this hell of a week...

Why does everything have to go so wrong now? When I'm having exams? I'm torn between pushing myself to study and worrying about stuff now...

This cannot be happening. Not again. Not again... please tell me it isn't...

I want to close my eyes and let the whole world go passing by... wake up from this nightmare... scream shout I don't care... wail scream and flunk all my exams... but I can't... it's SPM year...

This morning...

"Hey Siaw Hui... did you know... thought you should coz... "

And that was when I went, "No, not again... not again... Oh God please... "

Then everything broke within me.

Enough is enough... I've had my share of problems...

I can't take this anymore...