Saturday, October 21, 2006



My dad got very good timing to give me bad news hor?! Hmph. When I was happily frisking around this morning, he go bomb me with TWO HUGE bad news.

First he gave me the photos that I took for my student visa. Note this pictures will be ON MY STUDENT VISA AS LONG AS FOREVER... okay as long as I'm in Aus studying la hor...

And guess what I look like?

See usually, I don't really care how I look like in pics but considering this will be on my visa for about 7 years and maybe more...


I wasn't even SMILING! The blardy photographer said, Hey, don't smile so much... or smth. So I HAD to look serious. And oh my gawd, THAT so didn't turn out well.

Coz my serious was like... I had gawd damn puke under my nose. And my smile was like so forced and... ughh, I was wearing some moldy blue coat that the photographer gave to me because HE DIDN"T TELL ME THAT I COULD BRING MY OWN BLARDY PREFECT BLAZER!! GAHHHHH...

So I'd spend seven years with my student visa looking like that. As in a pic of me having puke under my nose. It is the WORST picture I have ever taken in my life. Bah. And I thought the photo studio pic was bad enough.

Second bad news. EVEN BIGGER.

Hem hem. See, I was hoping against hope that I'd be around for CNY. But apparently... THE STUPID ORIENTATION OF TRINITY HAS TO START THREE let me repeat THREE BLARDY DAYS BEFORE THE CNY! ARGGGHHH!! So kolien mannnn... So unlucky. Three days worrrrr...

And then I thought I could merrily skip orientation... but I realized that I can't coz I need to go down a week before my actualy sutdying in Trinity (which will be the orientation week lor) to get acquantied with Melb, buy windbreakers and whatever winter junk I have not yet purchased since MSIA is eternal summer land. Bahhh... and I need to go choose my subs during orientation week. Double bah.

Okay, like that's not bad enough...

Let me give you some MORE bad news goes me dad... but of course, he didn't add the more bad (I added that myself).

Apparently, I might not even be here AFTER SPM! When all the partying is going on, I MIGHT NOT BE HERE! There's no Damai. Or or Lundu. Or the prom. Or any pre Christmas celebrations. Or any planned New Year celebs or smth. NOTHING MAN!! I"D BE OFF FOR HOLIDAYS!! Because APPARENTLY my brother finishes his Melb Uni exams WHEN i start my SPM. So he gets to come back and see me suffer. Bahhhhhhhhh... bugger. Weyyy, I wanted to spend time with my friends before I go. Or before they go. Whichever lehhh..

Okay, so then you say maybe I have Jan to spend with you guys.

Bugger la, some more bad news.

Apparently, I have to move house by 31ST JANUARY 2007. Take a good look at that date ah. Because that is the last date of eviction from my brother's current apartment. Which translated means, we have to get my bro's arse and all his other possessions out of there BY that time.

Which also means since my bro obviously can't do all the moving out by himself, I HAVE TO GO DOWN THERE TO HELP HIM DO IT.

Which also means that the moving out takes about one week.


And when I'm there I won't be coming back till June.


I shall go cry long and hard now.



Blogger Aidan said...

Take whatever predictive, vindictive, and pragmatic steps possible to make sure that u stay here in December! If it's possible, that is =( I guess it'll have to be June for us lot to go out then. And how come your bro can't clear out the apartment by himself? Hmm!

7:19 PM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

Well think about it is this way Aidan, clearing out an entire apartment by yourself is going to give you a headache and a backache won't it? So if I left my bro on his own, I'd be torturing him! haha.

Besides, I guess we'd have to check out the new apartment and buy some furnishings... stock up on food in the fridge and all that I guess. hehe.

12:19 AM  

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