Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Oh my gawd.

Oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd...AHHHHH!!!!!

For heaven's sakes, how on earth was I supposed to know?!!!!!

Van! Remind me NEVER EVER to laugh at you again when you have one of those "hilarious" run ins with your couzzie.

I am practically writhing with embarassment as I write this.

*sinks lower in chair*

Oh my gawd, I couldn't possibly have done...

*screams long and hard*

I don't wanna go out from this little nice room of mine. I feel like I'd throw up if I do. All over my boy cousin that is.

So, what did I do? Argh, let me tell you...

Oh gawd...

At about 6 smth I was up in my bedroom, fighting off sleep but to no avail. The last two nights saw me sleeping uber late. I have bags under my eyes to show for it. Don't ask me why I slept late or you shall be tormented gar.

So anyway, I fell asleep.

I think I must have had a blocked nose, because when I woke up my mouth was dry. Which obviously meant I had been snoring (most probably) and most definitely breathing through my mouth. And I also know that when I breathe through my mouth, I get bad breath. Well, I'm sorry but I do okay?!

Then... then... someone yelled my name at about 7 plus plus (which is now) and I woke up very very harshly.

Yelling at the top of my lungs, thrashing wildly in bed that sent pillows flying everywhere, twisting and turning (I think I stubbed something down there... *pauses to touch foot gingerly* Ow ow ow yes I did damn!!) until I finally got out of bed. My mum kept yelling and yelling and yelling and I didn't wanna go down at first. Then my maid appeared out of nowhere just as I was out of bed and half crawling and half walking to the door. The lights turned on, blinding myself and in the pandemonium, I couldn't find my glasses. My mind registered smth like: Oy, get specs dummy but I couldn't care less. Out the door, down the stairs.

So there I was. Yeap, that stupid little Siaw Hui. Stumbling like a blind person and a mad woman at that down the stairs, screaming like a mad hatter with a bloodcurdling scream that could have set the entire neighbourhood scrambling for the door and releasing bad odours from her mouth (I couldn't help it la ok!) But you want to know the WORST part?

See, when I first went to have my "nap" which I now sorely regret, I was dressed in a humongous baggy shirt (that looks like it belonged to some gunisack... a green one at that) and *gasp* shorts. As in, not knee length. But as in half her thighs being exposed. Well I'm sorry all right but hello? THE WEATHER IS SO FREAKING HOT! And the haze just MAKES it worst. Gahhhhhhhh... I went to sleep in that and still woke up sweating.

So there I was half tumbling down the stairs like an idiot, cursing and swearing, cursing and swearing. Due to the irritating law of Physics and my tumbling and turning in the bed, my shorts had ended up LESS than half way up my thighs. Let's just say, when I was coming down, I probably revealed like 3/4 of it. Dammit. I have to "thank" my stupid pants material riding up don't I? Oh oh! And the baggy shirt? It was simply dishevelled. Very badly. The sleeve on the right shoulder was off and the left shoulder was simply clinging for dear life.

But no, I couldn't care less could I? I mean after all, think about it. My house only got my mum and my maid and my sis. Who couldn't be bothered right?

Oh ho ho ho, I was so wrong.

Bam! Crashed and clattered my way to the bottom of the stairs very very loudly. And see, me no wearing specs and me degree is about almost hitting 600. Which means me almost completely blind when I'm not wearing specs. So I saw a blur of someone sitting on the sofa as I walked down. And that blur was wearing jeans which I obviously thought belonged to a boy. And then there were two other girls, or so I thought. My brain could only land on one option and I yelled out: HEY BIG BRO!!! YOU"RE BACK! And before I could shut my mouth it went: OOH! AND WHO ARE THEY?! *wave hand like drunken person towards the two girls* Then I stumbled blindly into the room where my mum was screeching at me to take the phone.

That was very smart of me, might I add, considering that my brother is all the way in Melb and is not coming back till Dec.

Took the phone, still feeling extremely blind and extremely blur. Dad said smth about him wanting to bring back a teddy bear for me (which was extremely sweet I think..) and then I managed to put down the phone somehow. Then I was walking happily towards the door that led to the living room area when suddenly all my neurons and whatever else in my CNS started to work. WONDEFULLY well.

AND BAM, everything came together.

Oh shit, that was my guy cousin.

And his girlfriend and his girlfriend friend.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.



And now of course, I refuse to leave the room.

Even if I'm squinting very very badly without my glasses on. THe embarassment is too much to endure.

Oh my gawd, I am such a dunderhead.

Bahhhhhhh... they'd probably think that I'm a very very stupid and nutsy cousin.


Blogger Vann Law said...

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! see la u! Laugh at me! in front of not one, but THREE ppl!! 8D!!

6:47 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

oh shuddup van. hmph.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Noel said...

HAHAHA, serve stupid siaw right. who ask u laugh at poor sa

9:22 AM  
Blogger Vann Law said...

why isit that squirrel refers to me as 'poor' most of the time HAR? I wanna bully the mouse!!

2:39 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

well mtyp, sjane and mel laughed at "poor" sa too. stop pissing me off. i dont like ppl calling me stupid squirrel.

4:16 AM  

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