The Rodent Family
Warning: By the end of this post, most of you will be thinking that Siaw Hui has utterly lost it.
But then again I am sleep deprived. Therefore, sanity deprived. ;)
So... I just wanted to introduce to you the rodent family. In order of their age. ahem* Oh and we got a new member of the family too. So, yeah, welcome Van!

The oldest in the family.
The guinea pig of the lot!
JASMINE!!! ALL HAIL JASMINE QUEEN! *cough* guinea pig...
This is the mouse. A.k.a Squeak.
The secoond oldest.
THIS IS ME! SIAW HUI! HAHAHA!! I look so cute. 0-0
The newest member of the family!
Second youngest... Introuducing the ferret...
Oh and that's what a ferret is btw dearie... it's quite cute. :)
Oops. Sorry forgot Tan! She's in the middle not Van.
So... she's a chipmunk HAHAHA!
Haha. The baby of the family Irony though... he's the tallest.
Yep. That's all there is to this rodent family. =)
Oh... I should really get Noel to post the family's theme song sometime. :P
crap. was lookin 4 pics of ferret to show u call. hold on. ill need to update the song since haf ferret now. hehe. gimme by wednesday. boo yeah. squirrel rox. btw, cant c u all lah. too short... uh oh. im in 4 a poundin tml. :)
hahahha. alison said a ferret's some fat rat. HAH! Ferret is quite cute,rriiiiigghtt? The tail so short le. aiya, got beat by squirrel in that sector. what song?????
You have a family theme song???? XDDD
Ferrets are adorable, but kinda scary, you should see how they prey on birds and stuff o_O
yeah we do have a song. it's sung to the tune of the addams family. noel wrote it. but well like he said he have to update.
and you are a very dead squirrel tomorrow.
haha. ferret so cute!! eeeee...
oh yEAH. Cute AND deadly. me liiike.
u are so not cute and deadly.
hahahahahaha... oh crude, i'm dead.
haha. everyone in d family is cute. deadly i wud only say ferret n i. mice jus arent cute. hmmm. mebbe after a few hours in d lab wif doc frankenstein ull look cuter. jk jk jk. hehe. 4 days 4 u 2 cool off. :)mouse very cuddly lah. that shud pls u enuf to stop u from killin me. :)
All the critters here are cute, but I'd like to point out something. Ferrets are not rodents, but are more likely to eat them.
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