Of good news, bad news and pics!
First off, some pics to recall the last day of sch!

The Bad News:
Everyone is discouraging me to take Medicine. Because I have to get very very high entry scores i.e. 98 as my GPA for 4 of my prerequisites. Huh. Even the college that I applied for said that. They suggested I have a second course preference in mind. What more, STRONGLY suggest again ah. Hmph.
The Good News:
I GOT MY LETTER OF OFFER! HOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Whoosha! My forecast results and mock results pulled through after all! Wahahahaha! Letter of offer to the FIRST college I applied for (the one my parents and I wanted me to go to) I FEEL SO PROUD OF MYSELF! Nehhh, I'm just happy. Now I don't have to sit and worry about whether I got accepted coz I HAVE ALREADY BEEN ACCEPTED! Muahahaha! Trinity College here I come! Oh btw, Emm, Kim and Van and whoever else is planning to go, have you guys applied yet? And if you have, have you gotten the letter of offer? Coz if you have, then DOUPLE WHOPPEE I HAVE FRIENDS THERE! WAHAHAHA!! Dum di da... I feel so relieved, at least the college I wanted accepted me. Phew. *sweat* But then now I have to sift through sheaves of papers: looking through them, reading them, filling them and signing them to confirm my student visa, acceptance form, accomodation form, fees form, payment form, International Students Under 18 form bla bla bla... omg. And I have to fax loads and loads of passport sized photos! Maybe I should just get my mum to do EVERYTHING then I just sign. Bet she won't let me. Bleh.
Ooooh wells, I better go now. Tata everyone!
Haha Miss Noelle was the highlight of the day XD
hehehe, i stole all the pics!! din noe my bro's cap shines o.o
uhh, you do know that i will be competing with the top students from all over the WORLD right?
and btw, that was quite sweet of you... in a very weird and violent way i think. =S
considering it was the last day of sch, we didn't really care if ppl stared at us if we were crz and if the teachers came after us with demerits (well actually we do but that's besides the point)...
anywho, our teachers were great sports and laughed along with the rest of us.
duh. cikgu anita was d one tell us do. haha! i was d hottest girl!!!
btw, top students? hah!
cant compare wih siaw hui. siaw hui can thrash all their asses wif one eye closed... make that two eyes and not at all studied.
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