We have created a vicious cycle between the pair of us. Everyone seems to be stealing stuff from everywhere now.
I stole stuff off your blog. You stole stuff off my blog. Lionel stole stuff from your blog which was from mine. Mtyp stole stuff from my blog which was from yours.
We are evil ~
Well actually, we're not. We're just very bored people who become petty thieves. Blog thieves. :)
Oh well. Since the vicious cycle has already been created, I shall therefore attempt to continue it.
After all, after this, we're all in for good hard-core studying. *wails loudly*
So here goes smth I stole off from Friendster bulletin board.
How perfect was your school year?
*Note: The remarks in italics and in brackets after the questions are my personal notes. :)
[X ] had a crush (but not in school... technically :P)
[X ] skipped class? (for prefect spotchecks yeah... loads of times. :)
[ ] DETENTION (Í'm far too kwai...)
[X ] hugged someone in school? (well she needed it... BADLY)
[ ] started a rumor? (I don't spread. I listen. :)
[ ] gotten suspended? (I no demerit points thus far so how to get suspended?)
total: 3
[X] cried in school (over the silliest of things...)
[X ] wish you could take something back (oh loads of times...)
[X ] made new friends (yeah sure... Jeremy for one. SPY!! :P)
[X ] gone to a dance (Alison's bday party featured a dance. So I'm counting it in. BLEH!)
total: 4
[ ] watched a football game
[X ] watched a soccer game (Hey, it's world cup guys!)
[ ] watched a baseball game
[ ] watched a volleyball game
[ ] watched a tennis match
[X] watched a softball game (What watch lo. PLAY AH! And watch also. :D)
[X ] watched a basketball game (Watched for... a few secs then fell asleep. Ehehe)
total: 3
[X ] stood up for someone being made fun of (Yeah sure. Loads of times. Can't stand evil ppl)
[ ] broken up with someone in school
[X ] fought with a teacher? (for marks yes. Literally nope. ;D)
[ ] got kicked out of class
[ ] got sent to the office for getting in trouble
total: 2
[X ] got 100% on a test (I think so... :D)
[ ] walked to school
[ ] drove to school
[X ] got dropped off at school (Don't everyone get dropped off at school every school morning?)
[X ] heard a rumor about yourself (Ahem. YES!)
total: 3
[ ] gone to school under the influence
[ ] had something illegal at school
[ ] missed school when you weren't sick
[X ] failed a test (by one mark. Evil Kenny Tan sprung surprise Chem test on us!! I didn't know how to draw isomers then wadd....)
[ ] failed a class
total: 1
[ ] made up some lame excuse for homework not being done
[ ] the teacher believed your lame excuse
[ ] crushed on a teacher (ewww...)
[ ] hit on a teacher (Even more ewww...)
[X ] hated a teacher (Oh yeah. Sure.)
total: 1
[x ] involved with a sport (Does PE count? *hopeful look*)
[X ] on the prefect board (Yeah. WAS on the board. Am now happily retired. HEEHEE)
[X ] in a club (WAS in a club. Interact. AND sch mag. ;D)
[ ] got a scholarship (was picked to apply and did but said scholarship wasn't offered. :(
[X ] got an award (yay!)
total: 4
[X ] fallen asleep in class (I know most of you can't believe it but yes I did!)
[ ] gotten in trouble for falling asleep in class (But I didn't get in trouble coz teacher was not in class. It was a sit in. :P)
[ ] had your phone go off in class
[ ] had your phone taken away?
[X ] lied to a teacher? (Ooh boy... yeah...)
total: 2
[X ] laughed so hard you cried in class (when you sit near someone who hyperventilates (Van), someone who whines (Jas :D), someone who thinks his either Elton John or an exotic Chinese fan dancer on alternate days of the week (Khang), someone who ALWAYS thinks she's so cute with her HABA HABA (Kim), two people who constantly whack each other for the most absurd of reasons (Emm and Al), someone who uses big English words and is forever AMC-ing and some Chinese word I shall not mention (Aidan) and someone who is the LAMEST person alive (Kok) you can't help but laugh until you're gonna die can you?!)
[ ] eaten lunch in the bathroom? (and let all the germs in there have a feast with me? NO!)
[ ] missed more than a week at once of school
[X ] excited for holidays? (well sort of... but then again, have to study. Aih)
[ ] taking up a job during holidays?
total: 2
Add up your total and times it by 2. Then fill in the blank: My school year was ___ perfect.
My school year was 50% perfect.
I am inclined to agree with that I suppose but I don't really agree with some of the questions. So if left on my own, I'd say that my school year is almost as perfect as it gets.