Saturday, July 15, 2006

40 Things You Might Not Know About Me

I wanted to blog today and I didn't know what to write about. So, I went around the net trying to find smth and I found this survey... which I can't remember from where. And oh well, decided to answer the questions here.

Just hope that the questions won't be utterly weird. :S

Here goes:

40 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. What color is your shirt right now?
Red come pink come white which means striped. :)

2. What are you listening to right now?
Uhh, the fan whirring its blades? Heh?

3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number?

4.What was the last thing you ate?
I'm eating ice cream now? Does that count?

5. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Rainbow!!! Heehee. Í don't care that there's no such thing!

6. How is the weather right now?
Hot. Hot. Hot. HOT!! *switches fan on full blast*

7.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Ahhhh... that would be... *pause* my uncle?

8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Face la? What else would I look at? His shoes?

9. Favorite type of food?
Haha. Hard to say actually. I like food from all walks of life. ;) Except weird ones like monkey brains or smth...

10. Do you drink?
Course I do. If I don't drink water I'd be dead now wouldn't I?

11. Do you smoke?

12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember?
Nope. Non-alcohol person here!

13.What color are your eyes?
Uhh. I'd check the mirror and get back to you. rofl.

15. Do you wear contacts?
No. Glasses.

16.Are you mad or lunatic?
What's the diff? Btw, I am neither.

17. Favorite Month?

18. Ever cried for no reason?
I think so... don't look at me like that will ya?!

19. Last Movie you watched?
Pirates of the Carribean 2. Btw, if you guys were expecting a proper ending? DON"T! Because it's LINKED to the 3rd movie which means they end on a cliffhanger, end on several loose ends yet to be dealt with in the 3rd movie and and... YOU FEEL CHEATED WHEN THE LIGHTS OF THE CINEMA COME ON AND YOU"RE STILL STARING AT THE CLIFFHANGER THEY DANGLE IN YOUR FACE!

20. Favorite day of the week?
Fridays. And Saturdays. Oh wait, did you mean one only?

21. Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and sad?
What about I say the best of both worlds?

22. Hugs or Kisses?
Hugs! They can be given between ppl of same sex and opposite sex without ppl staring at you. HAH VAN!

23. Chocolate or Vanilla?

24. Do you want your friends to try this?
Actually I don't care.

25. Who is most likely to respond?
Like I said I don't care.

26. Who is least likely to respond?
@%&)($#&%)(*$#&)(%#$&()*#&$!!!!!!! Heh, sorry...

27. What books are you reading?
Uhh. It's supposed to be The Truth by Terry Pratchett but it's too boring. And it's supposed to be GOING POSTAL BY TERRY PRATCHETT WHICH ALISON IS SUPPOSED TO BRING ONE WEEK AGO!!! I HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS!!


29. Fav. Movie?
I dunno. I guess it's Pirates for now. But am feeling too cheated. Hmph. Why couldn't anyone tell me that the bloody second movie is REALLY RELATED to the 3rd movie and that and that... smth really unexpected happens in the 2nd movie?!!

30. Fav. baseball team?
You're kidding right?

31. Any pets?
If you consider stupid useless fishes as pets, then yes.

32. What are you aiming for?
Straight A1s for SPM first. Place in Trinity next. Place for Medicine next. :)

33.Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?

34. Dogs or cats?
Sorry Van, but dogs rawk!

35. Fav. flower?
Anything pretty and colorful. Though sometimes white is pretty.

36. Have you ever fired a gun?
A real one? Nope. A water one? HELL YEAHHHH

37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?
Plane! Plane! Car too much traffic...

38. Do you enjoy doing this survey?
You have got to be kidding me right? My brain cells are screaming foul now just so you know.

39. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Uhh... *pauses to count* 4 pillows (one of them is really small) and 2 bolsters!!

40. Do you sleep with any soft toys?
Not at the current moment... *innocent look*



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