Thursday, July 27, 2006

Oh boy

Why oh why did I have to agree to join the stupid syarahan competition tomorrow?!

That's it. Tan Ah Siang cheated me!!

Well he didn't really. But heck, he should have said the syarahan's on tomorrow!! TOMORROW!!!!

I mean like... at least Alison them all had like TWO weeks to prepare. I had less than a week!!

And it's not like I could recycle my BM oral because it's too short! I need a speech spanning 5 minutes to 7 minutes. The oral one is only like 3 4 minutes?

Grr... Mel!!! Just coz Lun told Tan Ah Siang that you could speak and you didn't want to do it, you framed me? Eeeeeeeee... *shakes fist* :)

Aih, he just asked me: Do you want to join syarahan? I put you in ok? And then being extremely blur, I said: Uh ok. And then he was like: Get ready oh. I was like: Ok... And then he finally said: It's this Friday ok? And that's when I said: WHATTTTT????!!!!!

Oh well. Since he was already going round asking ppl to do so I just went along with it la. Haih. Wished I didn't now.

I KNOW I'm supposed to be doing my syarahan now. But the comp look so tempting and my syarahan script looks so... boring. Grrrr.

And then, and then, I didn't know that the max time was 7 minutes! So I thought could recycle BM oral. Until he told me yesterday that it's advisable my speech is 5 minutes plus. So, since I couldn't lengthen my original oral since it's already BORING enough. So I had to change topic. Simply pluck one out of the karangan book. And now I'm stuck with doing Iklan. OMG, SO BORING... *burst into an influx of tears*

And due to my name starting with "W" I'm the LAST speaker for the day tomorrow... though that would mean that everyone has gone off to sleep already and I wouldn't feel that much pressure with less pair of eyes staring me down.

AND THERE"S NO PODIUM!!!! *wails* I was hoping that I might have me beloved script in front of me BUT THERE"S NO PODIUM!!! *screams* HELP!! SJANE AND TIFF!!! AND ALISON TOO!! NO FAIR!!! LAST TIME ENGLISH SPEECH COMPETITION GOT PODIUM LEH!! SO MEAN!! I hate doing freestyle!!

Ok, ok, supposed to go practice syarahan. But it's so damn boring.

*sneaks off to play Neopets instead*

I am risking total humiliation in front of the school tomorrow as I haven't memorized my script. Well two more paragraphs to go. Not bad CONSIDERING I WAS ONLY TOLD OF THIS ON MONDAY!!

And yes I know Cher, practising in front of the mirror is supposed to boost my confidence.

But it reduces me to mad and maniacal laughter instead.

Don't ask why.


Blogger Annachuu said...

Ahaks, you won anyway XD

7:37 PM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

pure chance. :D

7:49 PM  

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