Monday, November 21, 2005

Night of Miracles

I am still groggy.

That is one of the aftereffects of sleeping at one in the morning.

My eyes can barely open properly too.


Hmm, those of you who cared about me ;) would have noticed I have gone missing online for the last three nights. Those of you who didn't give a damn about me, you would have probably didn't even notice my disappearance.

Considering the fact that I have been ol every night since hols begun except for one or two exceptional nights, I thought ppl might have noticed. :'( haha...

Anyway, the last three days have been utterly exhausting for me and my body. But deep down, it was utterly good for me and my faith.

Yeah, Noel, you guessed it right the last time I saw you, I've been at church for the last three days.

Well, you see, there's this team from our sister church in KL who came to my church to give a seminar and have a healing service. Which was last night of course. So, being one of the youth leaders (and having nothing better to do :P) I attended the course.

The course started on Friday night. Carried right through to Saturday morning and a little of Saturday afternoon. But well, like Noel and Aidan probably knows, I was in church from 8.30 in the morning (for the workshop) till 7 in the night (because I'm the keyboardist and needed to have music practice for the next day's seminar) So by the time I got home, I konked out and slept immediately.

The next morning, haha, church service like normal again. And then, afternoon was a break. Night there was a healing service, like mentioned earlier. And well, the name gives you what happened during that service right? Ahaha...

But last night, was totally great. I mean, being a girl of mere sixteen, I actually saw miracles happen in front of my eyes. Half of the time I didn't really see much (I was playing keyboard on stage and I was partially blocked by this white screen thingy) but half of the time (after I excused myself from the music team and hopped off stage) I did see quite a fair bit of things. There was this man who was deaf (I think) and after the service, could hear ringing in his ears? Something like that. And then there were others whose legs are not of equal length. And by the end of the service, the legs had grown to equal length. Fantastic ain't it?

Pity that I missed a lot of the healing itself but I'm glad I went for the service and saw miracles happen. Wowee... I know I said I believe in miracles before this. And ultimately I do. But seeing it happen right in front of your eyes is like unbelievable. God was simply awesome last night. Whoa~

Okay, I know you guys might think I'm religious, holy or all that stuff. But truth is, I'm proud I'm a Christian. I'm proud of my faith and who I am in God. So there ain't nothing you can do or say about it. ;) Coz I ain't budging from my faith at any given time. I love God too much to do that. :P

Hmm... am just thinking about my organizer in my handphone. And I think my schedule from now onwards (esp for this week) is totally jammed pack.*clears throat* For example...

Tonight - Skit practice
Tuesday - Keyboard workshop (maybe not attending see first)
Weds - Day off
Thurs - Keyboard workshop (maybe not attending see first)
- Choir practice
Friday - Probably skit practice again (see first)
Saturday - Music practice
- Youth
Sunday - Church

Haha... I'm a busy lady. Hopefully I'll still find the time to blog.

Speaking of which, Emm had better post another entry soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't notice you were gone because I usually meet you in the morning... lolz. And the part about sleeping at one is true. Sometimes you even get a headache. See how weak human beings are? Lolz.. jk. Hope you don't stress yourself out with that tight schedule. Cheers... ciao.

9:33 PM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

Yeah yeah Aidan. Hail machines. They're way better than men. Geez.

1:40 AM  

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