Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Movies Galore

Okay, first off, I think I am hereby banned from the Star Cinema by the management.

All right, maybe I'm being a little too melodramatic but heck, you can go conclude whatever you wanna when you hear my side of the story.

Which will come later once I get the rest of what happens BEFORE this major tragedy out of my system first.

All rightie.

At hum, around 11.45, Van and I went to McD to grab some lunch with the others before going to catch a movie. So anywayz, we went to McD, ordered food except for Tan who strangely has no appetite (lol) and ate away... while Sat and Tan cracked lame jokes as usual.

Tan made comments about EVERYONE who walked near her or past her or whosoever she sees. For eg. EEEE I hate that girl la! So thin and so... Yeah ppl, get over it, Tan discriminates a lot. Ahaha...

And from what Sat said, I think he bamboozled Noel into thinking that he wasn't coming for this gathering. Apparently, from what I gathered, this was what happened...
Noel: So you going?
Sat: Me? Neh... I won't go.
Noel: Oh ok I won't go either.
And Noel if you're reading this, I'm not sure whether this convo ever took place but I heard THAT from Sat at any rate... Unless I got a serious problem of earwax.

Arrrrr.... what else happened at McD? Oh yeah. Jeremy ordered TWO burgers and TWO fries and TWO drinks(I think) Anyway, we were like all goggling when he downed it all.

Oh. And Tan has recently declared herself the proclaimer of the fact that I'm Head Prefect in Lodge. Since the moment I sat down to eat my cheeseburger, she keeps yelling: EH! SIAW HUI IS HERE! HEAD GIRL OF LODGE AH! *jabs me repeatedly*

I think by the time we finally left McD, everyone there just about knew who I was and what post I hold in Lodge. Thanks a lot Tan.

After finishing our lunch at McD (and after Tan had finished making her complaints about the dress of a lady sitting nearby) we deliberated on where to go next. Admist the whines of Sat who constantly went, "Not shopping please! Anything but shopping!" we finally decided to go shopping. Ahahaha...

So, off we went to Parkson to shop (or rather, get) a wedding card of Cikgu Agien who's getting married on Dec 3 this year. Apparently, Aidan and Sing Yue gave Tan ten bucks to buy two weddings cards, one for each of them. So we went to Plus and scoured around for a nice wedding card. Actually... I think we wasted more time hunting for useless cards with stupid msgs and passing it to each other admist guffawing rather than getting the wedding card. Then we decided to go to Times to see whether there was any better choice. But there was none so we went back to Plus and got three wedding cards instead. Tan said she wanted to buy one to give to Cikgu from her own heart.

And when we were walking out of the shop, I came upon this really cool gift wrapping paper which comes in both gold and silver. And it was so coolll because the texture was like wow! Nth I've ever come across before. Bam! Before long, everyone (namely Emm, Van and Tan) were crowding around the paper, crowing and feeling the wrapper over and over again... until I thought I saw the shopgirl get annoyed so we left before we got skewered by her.

So we all walked to Star, the six amigos (Tan, Van, Emm, Sat, Jer and me) to catch a movie. Upon reaching Star one of the lifts was bust and being the stupid idiots we were, we waited for the bust lift until I realized that the lift was bust and kept missing our floor. So... Jer, Van and Sat ran up ALL NINE FLOORS to get to the cinema. Tan, Emm and I were set to follow them but Tan couldn't keep up and Emm and I were falling behind. Tan because she was wearing high heels, me because my stomach was cramping up after that McD shake and Emm because... I dunno why. Ahahaha...

So we played cheat and took the lift on the like 2nd floor to the cinema. Reached there soon enough but the oth three beat us to it. But aftereffects of running up 9 floors? Van had to buy an orange drink just to cool her down.

We decided to catch two movies instead of one since the two we were catching were relatively short and in succession. So we were booked for Corpse Bride at 2.15 and Chicken Little at 3.30. Tan and I wanted to watch Zorro 2 but well... there was no time left and the timing coincided with Corpse Bride which I really wanted to watch. So... we hung around for a little while during which we chatted nonsense.

At around 2, we collected our snacks and went to catch Corpse Bride. Err... well most of you guys would have watched it already so, here goes. Corpse Bride is quite short, the ending is well kinda sucky but so so la I guess. For me, it kinda just hangs in mid-air. There a lotta jokes in there that will have you laughing so hard (in fact the entire cineplex laughed with the six of us bellowing goons) and well, the wedding vow that Victor makes is so cool, nice and original! And well, there are some touching moments that had Van almost crying. Admit it Van!!! Ahaha... though you were sitting next to me, I didn't even hear you give out a single sniff. Must have been too absorbed.

Oh oh! And the skeleton dog Scrapes is sooooooo cute!! Oh yeah and the piano music in there is SOO BLOODYYY BRILLIANT AND NICE AND ALL THE OTHER SUPERLATIVES! You know the one where Victor plays for the very first time on the piano, the one where he first meets Victoria! That one is soooo sad and moving and so bloody good! And the piano duet he has with the Corpse Bride? That was soo bloody brilliant and bloody nice! Ahaha... I remember Tan, Emm and me shrieking at the same time: "GOSH! THAT"S SO NICE! I WANT TO HAVE THE PIECE!" So any of you guys who have any of these pieces, lend me! I'm gonna photostate it and play it till I get it right! And this is the only time I have gotten excited about getting a piano piece, so please, anyone lend!!

Arrr... So after that movie we went to catch Chicken Little and this is where the mayhem began. And this is why I think Star has "expelled" me from the cinema. Listen close.

We immediately rushed to Cineplex 3 for Chicken Little. We knew our seats were in the I row so we went there. And then... got ppl sitting there. So we got all annoyed coz we thought these ppl were sitting in the wrong seats! So Sat went to get the usher to sort the thing out. And then we realized that these guys had the exact same seats as us!!!

Puzzled? Hang on, here's the 'great' bit.

The seats we were supposed to have in the I row? We booked those bloody seats for 2 o clock!!! The time we were watching the Corpse Bride!!!! Emma booked the wrong tickets for the wrong time!!! Apparently, there was a Chicken Little movie showing at 2 also and when we booked the tickets at around 1, the person immediately thought we were booking 6 seats for the Chicken Little movie at 2! Why? Because Emm didn't specify that the time we wanted was 3.30 that forgetful woman!!!!

So out we went again, hideously embarassed, we went to speak to the manager. You know, to swap the tickets for the 3.30 movie. And well, wonder of wonders, the manager speaks Mandarin. So great, I volunteered to go ask him to change. So I was stuck speaking Mandarin stutteringly till Tan and Emm came over to help me out. Tan was not bad but me and Emm were like stuttering all the way and trying to come up with the suitable words in Mandarin coz Tan was losing the battle.

The manager kept insisiting that we had already used the tickets and that the tickets' sides had been torn off so we couldn't get replacements. But we argued and fought that the sides were with the ushers and we could go get it to proof our statement. So we argued and argued on and on in Mandarin with me blabbering and rambling awkwardly. In the end, due to my impatience (hello, the movie was already starting!) and because I felt that we should at least get a compensation by him letting us into that movie (for crying out loud, that movie ticket cost me to go bankrupt!) I broke into English. I totally stopped talking Mandarin and I started raising my voice in English, going, "Can we just be allowed to enter this movie? You keep saying that we can't get replacements because we don't have the sides! But the sides are with the ushers! Why don't you ask them? The ushers tore them off without looking at the prior time!!"

So the manager just blinked at me for a while (maybe he didn't really understand English well LOL) and then went off to check it out. Meanwhile...

Satnam heard someone call him. He turned and found out it was one of the ushers to the cineplex we wanted to go into to catch the movie. The usher was like, "Aiyah, mari mari masuk cineplex la! Sit anywhere you want!" We all just stood like kinda flabbergasted, staring at the guy for a while. And then he kept on insisting, "Come la! Just sit any place you want for the movie!" So Sat and the rest took up the offer and followed the guy back to the cineplex, sneaking slightly coz the manager was like behind the ticket booth and had a clear view of us. However he was bz calling someone or smth. I stood for a while, hesitating, wanting to wait for the manager to give us the green light to go. I was just saying, "Hey, did the boss say we can go into the movie? I think we should wait..." At this point, Tan and Emm practically dragged me into the cineplex with them going, "Aiyah nvm la! That guy say can go go la!"

So we all sneaked into the cineplex and I went, "I feel like an ex-convict," at which Van said, "Me too." We stole seats at the side and all the time I was worrying what the boss might do to us. Like drag us out in full view of the viewing public in the cineplex? But anyway, halfway through the movie, the boss poked his head in, as if looking for someone. And I believe that he was looking for us. And because the cineplex was totally dark and huge, he couldn't spot us. So he spoke (couldn't really see I was sitting in total darkness and very very very far from the door) to his employee, the ushers outside and then the usher said something and he went out. Dunno whether he was angry or just plain annoyed at us for our persistance and finally just let us have our way.

So how was Chicken Little? Well, it's not bad... considering this is Disney's first computer animated movie since their break up with Pixar. But overall, I think the storyline is pretty shallow and it's kinda unbelievable. Simply stated like Van said, "How could the alien attack just end so fast, just like that??!!" And well, the characters are kinda shallow too, not properly developed and so on. But well, it has a lotta laughs inside, pretty lame and shallow jokes but good laughs all the same. Though the ending was kinda overdoing the heroism of Chicken Little thing. And kinda exaggerating till it got to the point where I almost choked on my drink because of the soppiness of it all at the end. I mean the ending was just too typical and too soppy (romantically soppy) Ask Van, I choked on my drink several times towards the end. Overall, a so so movie with good moral values inside but I still think Pixar animated films are better.

So what have we all learnt today? Make sure you specify the time of the movie you want to watch or end up in deep shit like us!! Hint hint Emma!!! Speaking of her, where the hell is that girl anyway? Does she know our blog is dying? Does she know that I'm the sole hero of this blog and take all the credit for keeping it alive??!! I thought she said she was going to blog.

Haiz... that girl...


Blogger Vann Law said...

so wad?! I admit to almost crying! BUH-LEHH! But it was soo sad, and I was beginning to like her..what was her name again? seriously. oh yeah, Emily!
Let's do this again sometime! Then, we shall drag u to plaza gallery!

3:20 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

Yeah... where the hell is that anyway? LOL

3:25 AM  
Blogger Annachuu said...

Never ask me to go hor? Cisssssssss hahaha jk jk I'll be busy anyway

6:31 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

Haha... Anna, anyway wouldn't be surprised if we get kicked outta Star when we go there the next time. Ahaha!

9:13 PM  
Blogger lamomok said...

Jarhead is so the better
*check blog for details*

10:37 PM  

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