Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Humans were designed for many things but loneliness is not one of them.

Life is a journey, best travelled with a companion.

Philosophical as those quotes might sound, they all speak the truth.

Humans desire relationships. We all desire relationships. And truth is, relationship is based on love.

But have you ever wondered why?

No man is a lonely island.

Well said, well said. Except for hermits that live in dark and dreary caves, that phrase pretty much applies to the rest of us.

Why can't humans just live alone and survive alone. I mean after all, we can survive on our own. We are homo sapiens. As in the most brilliant species on the planet. If thrown into a jungle on our own, given the needs to survive, we can on our own.

So why this flaw? Why this need for relationships? Why this need for love?

As a Christian, I believe that humans were created out of love by God, to interact with Him and to love him in return. That said, I think I know why we love others. It's just that seed of love in us that God planted when creation was made. So that is why we long for relationship with others and long to love and be loved in return.

We love because not one of us can ever stand to be alone. We feel the need to interact with others and to share feelings. We desire to be accepted and to accept others. We long for someone to understand us and to stick by us through thick and thin. We want someone to care for us and tell us that we are important in their lives, that without us, a day in their life will be altered. We need people who are constantly surrounding us and relating with us to get rid of that feeling of loneliness within us. And all those constitute the feeling of love.

Love comes in many different forms. Love in a family, love between friends, love between a couple and love between God and men for those who believe in Him. Different forms of love but they all unite under the same banner; the banner they call love.

So what then is true love?

To come to tell you the truth, I still have my No Apologies book lying in front of my computer. It landed there when I trashed my backpack and took out everything and dumped it in front of my computer. So seriously, I can flip open and type out everything in there as an explanation.

True love... different people will tell you what true love is. They have different opinions, different mindsets etc.

But truth is, for me, true love for me does not only exist between a couple (as most of the world will perceive it to be) True love also takes into account maternal love. If a mother (most of them will) sacrifices her own needs for her beloved child because of love, isn't that true love? That's a love that sacrifices, so why not? What about the love between friends? If someone is willing to give up something he or she's waited for so long for that special friend of hers because of love, isn't that true love? Sure it is. If someone willingly performs services unto God because of love and not fear or tradition, isn't that true love? That love is pure and undemanding, so definitely!

The definition of true love varies. And I shall not pretend to be an expert on love and everything related to it. I shall just bring out my opinions as I muse over it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about what true love is.

For me, the best explanation for love can be found in the Bible. It's such a familiar passage that I'm sure some of you are well acquainted with. This passage is read at weddings and any other ceremony that commemorates love. It's a passage that summarizes just about everything there is about love. And it's printed on one of my fridge magnets. Lol

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoiced with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Practically the whole chapter is about the importance of love. But that bit is the most popular. I remember that I had to memorize the entire chapter when I was little, under orders from my Sunday School teachers.

Love is a mystery. Even until today, with all our technologies, we aren't even close to comprehending love and its many mysteries that surround it. But if you were to ask me, "What is the most powerful thing in the world?" I'll tell you it's love.

It is because of love for its master that a dog will travel dozens of miles just to get back to its master. It is because of love that a mother carries a baby in her womb for a devastating 9 months and go through a terribly painful ordeal in giving birth to it. It is because of love for a country that soldiers go all out, against all odds to protect the country. It is because of love some are willing to give up their lives just to see their significant others through that calamity.

Love is the most compelling force in the world. Without love, the very fabric of humanity will be torn.

So, if one should ask me, "Have you ever loved anyone before?"

Except for my family, my friends and God, I would say N O


I must admit. I have gone through infatuation. I have gone through crushes. I have gone through the process of 'liking' someone. Hey, it's normal. I have raging hormones just as much as the next girl. ;)

But love?

Neh, it doesn't even exist in my dictionary when it comes to the opposite sex. Excluding the men in my family and the guy friends that I have. Even then, it's not that kind of love. That type of love is family love and friendly love. Or whatever they call it. lol

For us, going through this teenage years, I believe that none of us can safely say we have found true love. That's my opinion, I don't know about yours.

Love, can't live with it, can't live without it.

It feels great to be loved but it feels greater to love.

How true that phrase is. It complies with the phrase:

It is better to give than to receive.

Hey people, bear with me. The holidays are immensely long and these are just random thoughts.

And now abide by faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.


Blogger Noel said...

you forgot love of money. love of power. and the demented love of pain.

3:25 AM  
Blogger Vann Law said...

if love could be solved mathematically and explained scientifically, it has lost its very essence. I've read some articles; seems like some ppl have already labelled true love as 'extinct'
i wonder...

6:45 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

haha Noel, I'm talking about love as in love between living things.

And van, wow, you're getting philosophical eh? Haha... yeah but I agree. I don't think love can ever be explained no matter how much the human race progresses. And true love is not extinct. Not yet anyway. =P

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said. :)

2:25 AM  
Blogger Noel said...

explanation of true love: guy sees girl.or girl sees guy. biologically they will produce good genes in babies. bodies cause chemical reaction which we interpret as love. or in some cases lust. so they fall in "love". get married. do it. have babies. generation continues. since our main purpose is basically to get new generation, purpose is fulfilled. therefore, true love cant be extinct. something that never existed can never be extinct. it is just a trick of the human brain that makes us believe in such a churlish thing.

7:45 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

That's love scientifically.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Vann Law said...

we're animals! rawr 8D
'love' sounds better than 'instinct'

7:06 PM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

i prefer to think we're better than animals, van

9:33 PM  
Blogger Noel said...

actually animals are better than us. they attain perfection in what they do more easily. they arent destroying their own home. and most likely we are from monkeys or gorrilas so we are technically animals. educated animals. here's a final question to prove my point. which animal kills thousands of its OWN species at one time. only homo sapiens. therefore, humans are actually worse than animals.

5:04 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

note the word *prefer*

5:24 AM  
Blogger lamomok said...

So Noel, you'd like to think we're descended from monkeys eh? Well, explains a lot... Hahhaa... I, for one, would think you smart enough not to believe in evolution... How can WE possibly be related to monkeys? You're degrading our intelligence! Hell no, you're degrading YOUR intelligence. No offence, my 2 cents.

6:58 PM  

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