Sunday, January 15, 2006

Of prefects, bruised bottoms and everything else in between

Okay, gimme a moment. I'm still cracking up over the title. *Note the bruised bottoms part* Lol, I'll explain to you guys later. :P

Warning, it's going to be a long post today. Lol.

Anyway, yesterday was a really hectic day but it was really fun as well. If you were here with me, you'll see a goofy grin over my face. Aftereffects of torturing the prefects during the prefect workshop yesterday. But hey, they were tortured, but it was fun torture. Contrast, no?

I'll bring you through the day. Time by time starting from the time of:

7.00 am
The arrival of the senior prefects. Namely, Kok Ming, myself, Joyce, Melissa, Tiff, Alena, Janet, Sing Yue, Ben and Akmal. We were supposed to set up the blind man obstacle course and the running-up-and-down game (like I said, we tortured the prefects. ;) Pfff... but we ran into a little bit of problem first though.

It was raining buckets of water. And our obstacle course was supposed to be on the basketball court which is out in the open! So needless to say, since the court was wet, we were in deep trouble because we had no back up plan!! Garr... we actually booked the hall you know. But those Gimrana wannabes kicked us out of the hall. Last minute again ah! Pfff... so we reverted to the canteen.

All of them set up the course (in the end we had to change the original sketching and planning of the course because of limited space but the changes were better!) except for Joyce, Melissa and me who went up to set the running-up-and-down game.

7.15 pm
Us trio mentioned above, set about finding the hardest places to hide the pieces of puzzles in the classrooms. In this game, the prefects are supposed to sent up one runner from their team at a time to find one piece of the puzzle and to bring it down for the rest of the group to piece the puzzle together. They have a time limit of 30 minutes and there are 10 pieces of the puzzle. And needless to say, being the mean people that we are, the classrooms containing the puzzles are on the 3rd floor meaning they have to run four flights of stairs.

Btw, for all those prefects out there who are intending to murder me, all the hard places were set by Joyce. I gave easy ones... well sort of. Nyehe. The pieces were hidden under the blackboard ledge, behind the shelves, behind the door on the wall where the door hinges meet with it, under the desk, under the desk leg, on the sink, at the fan controls, under the chalkbox, under the teacher's desk and on the broomstick.

7.30 am
We were still in the midst of setting up the game when Casundi walked past the classroom where we were hiding the puzzles!! At this, Joyce, me and Melissa jump at once and shouted, "HOI! GET LOST! WE SETTING UP GAME! SHOO!!!" Poor girl, she looked just as shocked as us. :P

And then this Joyce and Melissa, they had the nerve to bully me. Pfff... they made me stick the diff clues on my diff fingers, claiming it made their job easier. End result: I looked like a scarecrow with overgrown white-paper-clues-for-fingernails and they started laughing like they'll die at any minute. Pfff...

Then Akmal called, telling me most of the prefects were already in the foyer. So I had to go down and start the registration.

7.45 am
It is not a good idea to have a registration desk plonked right in the middle of the foyer especially when there are Mandarin classes, taekwandoe and Gymrama going on in the school that day. Because you get weird stares from students and parents alike who are coming in via the foyer (which is just about everyone) What more, there were several misunderstandings...

Thinking that we were the help desk of some sort (when we were actually just registering prefects) two mothers came up to me and Kok Ming and asked us where Gymrama was being held. The first time this happened, Casandra saw it and started laughing like she was going to die. Kok Ming and me were like staring at the mother, dazed and then after blinking several times, we tried to answer the mother's questions about Gymrama. And then right after that, another mother came, asking the exact same thing. GEEZ!!

Remind me next time, to get a sign that says: Prefect Registration ONLY. This is not a help desk so please don't ask me any other questions!!

8.30 am
The workshop kicked off with Mr Lee giving us a half an hour speech, Then Kok Ming and I, with the seniors beside us :P gave like five minute speech on being prefects. Then it was off to the foyer for the first icebreaker game.

9.05 am
The first icebreaker was to take of one of your shoes and to toss it in the middle of the ring. Considering that Kok Ming and me were standing in the middle of the ring of prefects, I know for one thing that Akmal tried to get as many prefects to toss their shoes in and innocently hit me with their shoes while doing so. However, only one shoe managed to hit me, and that was on my leg. HAH! In your face!

After that was the second icebreaker whereby each prefect is to take one sweet from the container. Each sweet represents something different. Black represent your deepest fear. Orange represent your happiest moment. Red represents your hobbies. And purple represents your ambitions. All I can remember from this game is that one of the Form Five prefects is afraid of cats? Can't remember who though... but that caught my attention coz the fear is odd.

9.45 am
The prefects were divided into four teams using puzzle pieces. Lazy to explain in detail. Group 1 and Group 2 were taken by Kok Ming to play the blind man obstacle course. In that game, they had to pass through the obstacle course blindfolded. It was up to them how many people wanted to go through the course at any one time: whether one member at once or a whole team at once. Then the other team members would hiss instructions on how to get through the course. Looking at the set up of the course, the team had to shuffle along benches while straddling them, climb over strings and go under strings and walk. Then the last part of the course was done unblindfolded, whereby they had to pass a web of strings while carrying a broomstick with the condition the broom stick does not touch the string thrice. The first group to complete the course must lift the flower (placed there by Kok Ming :P) to signify that they came in first.

While Group 1 and 2 were doing that, Group 3 and 4 were under my charge and played the running-up-and-down game. Group 4 did a marvellous job. They found all the 10 pieces but couldn't piece the puzzle in time. Group 3 found 9 pieces. Considering everything like the slippery stairs, that was no mean feat.

Over on the other side, Group 1 won with a time record of 8 minutes.

10.30 am
The groups rotated. Group 1 and 2 came for my game and Group 3 and 4 went to the course.

Group 1 was excellent, magnificent. They not only found all ten pieces and pieced the puzzle in 23 minutes but for all it's worth, they actually found another extra piece of puzzle that Group 3 failed to find. Bravo guys! You guys did great!

Group 2 however, ended up just the same as Group 4. Real pity but well done guys too!

Over on the course, I heard the teams took 20 minutes to complete the course but all the same, they got through it in one piece but I don't know who won for that race.

11.00 am
We did reflection on the games and asked the Form 4 prefects to comment on the games.

11.30 am
We had lunch of chicken rice. During which, Akmal, Joyce and Casandra bullied me non-stop. The indignity of it all.

Then all the seniors except for Kok Ming and inclusive of me went hiding at different parts of the school. The game after lunch was called hide the facilitators and the object of the game was to find all nine seniors and obtain their signature. The fastest team to do so and to return as a group to the foyer to hand Kok Ming all nine signatures would be the winner.

Joyce and Melissa TYP hid in Block A classrooms. Tiff and Ben(I think) were in Block C classrooms. Alena and Janet were in Block B classrooms. Akmal hid under the Block D stairs, Sing Yue in Block D classroom and I was sandwiched between two sofas which were placed at right angle to each other with a squarish place to hide in at the Block D staffroom.

After reaching our places, we started smsing each other asking whether the game had started after putting our phones on silent mode.

12.00 pm
Prefects ran amok trying to find the us. Fifteen minutes passed and though all groups had found 7 of the seniors, only one team had found me and Akmal.

Guess who found me first?

The other Wong Siaw Hui! For my name's sakes!! WOW!

Anyway, my neck was extremely sore because I had to curl up into the smallest ball possible to keep myself hidden from view. The effect was better than I had imagined because plenty of prefects walked past the sofas countless times and couldn't even find me unless they walked closer to the sofa in question. I kept my head on my knees at all times, hoping against hope that people would find me soon cause I was starting to cramp from the effort.

12.30 pm
Sjane cheated! She tried calling my hp but I switched it on silent mode and I rejected her call. Haha! I could hear prefects yelling mine and Akmal's name as footsteps continue to resound across the entire Block D. Never knew my hiding place was that good. :P But Akmal would prove to last longer than I would. By five minutes. Footsteps continue to resound across the sofas in the staffroom and the shutter next to me rattles with prefects banging on it violently. :P

Then the most amazing thing happened.

Janice, Yi Ping, Vui Yung and Aidan came into the staffroom. They were tired and while holding my breath, I heard Yi Ping say, "Aiyah, so tired ah. Lazy already. Let's take a rest."

With that, they plop down on the sofas!! Aidan sat on the sofa whose armrest my head was propped against!! I could see part of Yi Ping. And in my head I went, "Uh oh."

Then Yi Ping went, "Hang on. There's something wrong here..." Out of the corner of my eye, I see her get up and walk nearer to me and I hold my breath and crouch even lower. Then... "SIAW HUI! HAH! WE FOUND YOU! AND THANKS TO OUR LAZINESS!"

I unfold myself and start grinning and laughing like anything because the entire episode was just so funny. Meanwhile, Aidan was like staring at me because I bet he can't believe that my head was just inches from his hand and he didn't even know. Haha.

So finally I had only one group left. Group 1. Their rep Nick Voon found me at 12.45. Five minutes before the last group found Akmal.

12.50 pm
All hell breaks lose as the remaining two groups realize that two groups have already completed the task by finding all nine. Everyone begins screaming the name of Akmal. Then five minutes later, all groups run back to foyer. Akmal emerged from the stairs and the moment we saw each other, we started bawling with laughter. It took quite an effort to get back to the foyer. Number one, we were laughing extremely hard. Number two, my neck and legs were numb from crouching into a ball and his entire upper body was numb because he was sitting under the stairs still. But we gave each other high five, because we were the two last ones left. But he beat me to it. Pffff.... by five minutes only la!

Vanessa kept staring at us like we were mad cows. And I can understand why. One minute, both of us were like OUCH! OUCH! IT HURTS! The next moment, we were laughing and high fiving. Haha.

YES! I laster longer than seven seniors! I'm good!

1.00 pm
The workshop ends. Overall winner was Group 1. Thanks to their spectacular performance in the obstacle course and the running up and down game. The find-the-facilitators game was won by Group 3. Everyone went home except for Kok Ming and the form Four prefects. He was supposed to talk them about something.

I went home and fell asleep while reading a book before waking up at 4 to go to music practice at church. Then at 7, we had youth. And boy, did we play such a cool game. But after that, we had bruised bottoms.

The game is hard to explain without visual aid. Lol. But it involves shifting your butt from chair to chair to chair as fast as possible if not you will surely lose. Your reaction has to be extremely fast. And while shifting your bottom from chair to chair as quickly as possible, some people *cough* Samuel Sii *cough* get too enthusiastic and almost fall off chairs. The game also involves a quick game of rock paper and scissors at certain intervals. And some people *cough* Agan *cough* make up some new signs instead of the normal rock paper and scissors one.

Joke of the night:
Samuel: (asking Agan) You're from Bario right?
Agan: No, I'm Agan.
Samuel and I: ...



Blogger Vann Law said...

there were only three activities!! and my muscles are still aching! MAN! I ran to the wrong class during the second activity. Went to 3rd floor instead of 4th. Ended up running amok in some lil innocent children's class.

They watched me rip their notice board's sugar paper, looking under tables, shoving the shelves, swishing past curtains.

I felt something amiss so I asked a lil girl, "Did any1 come here?"
"*shakes head*"
she was looking at me all weird behind her specs.
MY GOD. and because of that, it cost my group 50 points. HAHAha!

1:21 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

To Van, OMG, I could have died laughing when you told me about that whole incident of running into the wrong classroom. Didn't you hear me say FOURTH floor? ROFL

To Kevin, yeah, we decided to torture the new recruits. And again, it was fun doing so. I now fully understand the pleasure of torturing prefects like you once did with us. :P

4:18 AM  

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