Friday, October 07, 2005


I seriously can't get it.

I seriously don't get it.

The last three posts I had were depression-loaded ones. And I won't pretend that this one will not be. But in this post, I just want to make some people realize something.

Have you ever felt that the entire Form Four of Lodge School is so disunited?

Extremely, annoyingly, disattisfyingly, disunited?

I mean, 4A and 4B hates 4C explicitly.

Get the picture?

I was naive at times, thinking that perhaps that we would grow out of this childish enemity.

But I was wrong, wasn't I?

The enemity is getting from bad to worse, if it was possible. The enemity is growing larger, creating enormous and impossibly closable gaps between the classes.

The Form Fives are like family. They like each other, fool around with each other, stay united as one. Why can't we be like them?

I don't get it.

Why hate my class? Why hate us? Why hate 4C?

Did we do anything wrong?

Maybe there are some people in the class who may have done harm. But not everyone has. So why hate the ENTIRE class? Why, why and why?

People are getting hurt... The enemity of the form four classes is starting to rear its ugly head in the Prefectorial Board. But thank God, I believe the prefects will and are standing strong, united.

But our classes, will we stay divided forever?


Blogger Vann Law said...

you know i'm naive and take everything face-front. So from where I stand, some 4b-ers are kinda nice. We got our friends there and very recently, i made friends with some1 i nvr knew existed in 4b :P i know naught of 4a...well, let's not make sweeping statements. We just can't seem to wear out those primary days ^^. I mean, I used to hate 6.2 to bits...that was because I didn't really know you guys.

back on topic. of course, I'm oblivious to backstabbers, if any :D

3:43 AM  
Blogger Annachuu said...

My thoughts exactly, Siaw. Why are we all that way? I mean, not all of us are that way of course, but it's mostly this way lately and it's getting worse and worse. Why can't we all just live peacefully?

5:04 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

Yeah I know. I know I have friends in Form 4B and 4A. I know I do have true friends...

Problem is, why can't we ALL get along together? As in every single one of us.

I mean like, look at the Form 5. They shoot water guns at each other, crack stupid jokes and just do everything in the name of good fun. I mean, they get along with EVERYONE. No discrimination no nothing. Everyone is everyone's best pals.

But our classes? It's not the same, Van. Anna's right. The enemity is growing between the classes. Look here or look there. You see ppl gossiping about ppl in oth classes. People are getting hurt.

And when is it going to stop?

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. u all are living as if it is the ned of the world.
jus let things be. eventually everything will work out. be it for the better or the worse all we can do is just do our best to make it better.
either that or sit back and watch the fireworks. like what i'm doing. gawd i love chaos.

4:48 AM  
Blogger *~siaw hui~* said...

Grim, you're one sick person.

6:11 AM  

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